Our key figures

This overview of key performance figures demonstrates our impact across our three sustainability pillars. By representing significant milestones we’ve achieved, these accomplishments underscore our dedicated efforts towards fostering a healthier future for people, animals, and our planet.


Patients reached through our health equity programs and initiatives


16 M

stroke patients through our Angels Initiative* providing healthcare delivery support

149 K

in underserved communities in 2023 through product donations

In 2023, we provided
43.2 M
rabies vaccine doses in endemic countries for disease prevention.
Status: as of March 2024, number of patients with acute stroke treated to-date in an Angels initiative stroke ready hospital


Engaging our communities


employees engaged in volunteering in 2023

Along our social engagement continuum, we have supported
social entrepreneurs since 2010

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)



employees worldwide

… representing
different nationalities
… of which
are female

Thereof around


employees in supervisory roles

… representing
different nationalities
… of which
are female


Steering environmental responsibility


  • GHG Emissions Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 100%

  • GHG Emissions Scope 2 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 273

  • GHG Emissions Scope 1 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 289

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (1,000 tons CO₂e): 0


  • GHG Emissions Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 76%

  • GHG Emissions Scope 2 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 165

  • GHG Emissions Scope 1 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 276

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (1,000 tons CO₂e): 0


  • GHG Emissions Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 62%

  • GHG Emissions Scope 2 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 99

  • GHG Emissions Scope 1 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 280

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (1,000 tons CO₂e): -31


  • GHG Emissions Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 49%

  • GHG Emissions Scope 2 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 71

  • GHG Emissions Scope 1 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 280

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (1,000 tons CO₂e): -62


  • GHG Emissions Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 48%

  • GHG Emissions Scope 2 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 66

  • GHG Emissions Scope 1 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 295

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (1,000 tons CO₂e): -75

  • GHG Emissions Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%)

  • GHG Emissions Scope 2 (1,000 tons CO₂e)

  • GHG Emissions Scope 1 (1,000 tons CO₂e)

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (1,000 tons CO₂e)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
GHG Emissions Index (Normalised to Net Sales) % 100% 76% 62% 49% 48%
GHG Emissions Scope 2 1,000 tons CO₂e 273 165 99 71 66
GHG Emissions Scope 1 1,000 tons CO₂e 289 276 280 280 295
Offsetting of GHG Emissions 1,000 tons CO₂e 0 0 -31 -62 -75
1,500 2,500 3,500 500 –500 4,500 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


  • GHG Emissions Scope 3 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 3,801

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (Scope 3) (1,000 tons CO₂e): -40


  • GHG Emissions Scope 3 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 4,066

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (Scope 3) (1,000 tons CO₂e): -74


  • GHG Emissions Scope 3 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 4,081

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (Scope 3) (1,000 tons CO₂e): -17


  • GHG Emissions Scope 3 (1,000 tons CO₂e): 4,239

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (Scope 3) (1,000 tons CO₂e): -9


  • GHG Emissions Scope 3 (1,000 tons CO₂e): -

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (Scope 3) (1,000 tons CO₂e): -38

  • GHG Emissions Scope 3 (1,000 tons CO₂e)

  • Offsetting of GHG Emissions (Scope 3) (1,000 tons CO₂e)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
GHG Emissions Scope 3 1,000 tons CO₂e 3,801 4,066 4,081 4,239 -
Offsetting of GHG Emissions (Scope 3) 1,000 tons CO₂e -40 -74 -17 -9 -38


  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Absolute) (%): 0%

  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Normalized to Net Sales) (%): 0%


  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Absolute) (%): -21%

  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Normalized to Net Sales) (%): -24%


  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Absolute) (%): -33%

  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Normalized to Net Sales) (%): -38%


  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Absolute) (%): -37%

  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Normalized to Net Sales) (%): -51%


  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Absolute) (%): -36%

  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Normalized to Net Sales) (%): -52%

  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Absolute) (%)

  • GHG Emissions Reduction (Normalized to Net Sales) (%)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
GHG Emissions Reduction (Absolute) % 0% -21% -33% -37% -36%
GHG Emissions Reduction (Normalized to Net Sales) % 0% -24% -38% -51% -52%


  • Energy Consumption Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 100%

  • Energy Consumption (Renewable Energy) (GWh): 183

  • Energy Consumption (Non-Renewable Energy) (GWh): 2,035


  • Energy Consumption Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 93%

  • Energy Consumption (Renewable Energy) (GWh): 303

  • Energy Consumption (Non-Renewable Energy) (GWh): 1,907


  • Energy Consumption Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 92%

  • Energy Consumption (Renewable Energy) (GWh): 547

  • Energy Consumption (Non-Renewable Energy) (GWh): 1,991


  • Energy Consumption Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 80%

  • Energy Consumption (Renewable Energy) (GWh): 652

  • Energy Consumption (Non-Renewable Energy) (GWh): 2,028


  • Energy Consumption Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 74%

  • Energy Consumption (Renewable Energy) (GWh): 560

  • Energy Consumption (Non-Renewable Energy) (GWh): 1,986

  • Energy Consumption Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%)

  • Energy Consumption (Renewable Energy) (GWh)

  • Energy Consumption (Non-Renewable Energy) (GWh)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Energy Consumption Index (Normalised to Net Sales) % 100% 93% 92% 80% 74%
Energy Consumption (Renewable Energy) GWh 183 303 547 652 560
Energy Consumption (Non-Renewable Energy) GWh 2,035 1,907 1,991 2,028 1,986


  • Certified 100% Renewable Electricity Purchased (%): 4%

  • Other Electricity Purchased (%): 96%


  • Certified 100% Renewable Electricity Purchased (%): 37%

  • Other Electricity Purchased (%): 63%


  • Certified 100% Renewable Electricity Purchased (%): 59%

  • Other Electricity Purchased (%): 41%


  • Certified 100% Renewable Electricity Purchased (%): 68%

  • Other Electricity Purchased (%): 32%


  • Certified 100% Renewable Electricity Purchased (%): 75%

  • Other Electricity Purchased (%): 25%

  • Certified 100% Renewable Electricity Purchased (%)

  • Other Electricity Purchased (%)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Certified 100% Renewable Electricity Purchased % 4% 37% 59% 68% 75%
Other Electricity Purchased % 96% 63% 41% 32% 25%


  • Waste to Landfill Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 100%

  • Waste to Landfill (tons): 5,796


  • Waste to Landfill Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 72%

  • Waste to Landfill (tons): 3,213


  • Waste to Landfill Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 52%

  • Waste to Landfill (tons): 2,588


  • Waste to Landfill Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 56%

  • Waste to Landfill (tons): 2,060


  • Waste to Landfill Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 62%

  • Waste to Landfill (tons): 2,210

  • Waste to Landfill Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%)

  • Waste to Landfill (tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Waste to Landfill Index (Normalised to Net Sales) % 100% 72% 52% 56% 62%
Waste to Landfill tons 5,796 3,213 2,588 2,060 2,210


  • Recycling/Reuse Rate (%): 59%

  • Waste to Energy Rate (%): 18%

  • Waste to Landfill Rate (%): 7%

  • Waste Incineration Rate (without heat recovery) (%): 13%


  • Recycling/Reuse Rate (%): 58%

  • Waste to Energy Rate (%): 24%

  • Waste to Landfill Rate (%): 6%

  • Waste Incineration Rate (without heat recovery) (%): 10%


  • Recycling/Reuse Rate (%): 54%

  • Waste to Energy Rate (%): 25%

  • Waste to Landfill Rate (%): 9%

  • Waste Incineration Rate (without heat recovery) (%): 10%


  • Recycling/Reuse Rate (%): 57%

  • Waste to Energy Rate (%): 23%

  • Waste to Landfill Rate (%): 10%

  • Waste Incineration Rate (without heat recovery) (%): 9%


  • Recycling/Reuse Rate (%): 59%

  • Waste to Energy Rate (%): 23%

  • Waste to Landfill Rate (%): 6%

  • Waste Incineration Rate (without heat recovery) (%): 10%

  • Recycling/Reuse Rate (%)

  • Waste to Energy Rate (%)

  • Waste to Landfill Rate (%)

  • Waste Incineration Rate (without heat recovery) (%)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Recycling/Reuse Rate % 59% 58% 54% 57% 59%
Waste to Energy Rate % 18% 24% 25% 23% 23%
Waste to Landfill Rate % 7% 6% 9% 10% 6%
Waste Incineration Rate (without heat recovery) % 13% 10% 10% 9% 10%


  • Water Withdrawal Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 100%

  • Water Withdrawal (million m³): 6.3


  • Water Withdrawal Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 96%

  • Water Withdrawal (million m³): 6.3


  • Water Withdrawal Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 88%

  • Water Withdrawal (million m³): 6.1


  • Water Withdrawal Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 78%

  • Water Withdrawal (million m³): 6.3


  • Water Withdrawal Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%): 73%

  • Water Withdrawal (million m³): 6.2

  • Water Withdrawal Index (Normalised to Net Sales) (%)

  • Water Withdrawal (million m³)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Water Withdrawal Index (Normalised to Net Sales) % 100% 96% 88% 78% 73%
Water Withdrawal million m³ 6.3 6.3 6.1 6.3 6.2

Our certifications worldwide

Certifications we have received for our achievements in minimizing our environmental impact at various sites across the globe.

  • Carbon Neutrality

Gainesville (USA)

Re-certification of our sites

  • Carbon Neutrality

Paulínia (Brazil)

2023 certification

  • Carbon Neutrality

Sant Cugat (Spain)

Re-certification of our sites

  • Carbon Neutrality

Dortmund (Germany)

Re-certification of our sites

  • Carbon Neutrality

Kathrinenhof (Germany)

Re-certification of our sites

  • Carbon Neutrality

Fornovo (Italy)

2023 certification

  • Zero Waste to Landfill

Sant Cugat (Spain)


  • Zero Waste to Landfill

Dortmund (Germany)

2023 certification

  • Water Stewardship

Fremont (USA)

2022 certification

  • Water Stewardship

Promeco (Mexico)

2019 certification

  • Water Stewardship

Sant Cugat (Spain)

In 2023, the production site in Sant Cugat (Spain) initiated AWS implementation

  • Zero Waste to Landfill

Shanghai (China)


  • Carbon Neutrality

Shanghai (China)


Gainesville (USA)
Re-certification of our sites
Paulínia (Brazil)
2023 certification
Sant Cugat (Spain)
Re-certification of our sites
Dortmund (Germany)
Re-certification of our sites
Kathrinenhof (Germany)
Re-certification of our sites
Fornovo (Italy)
2023 certification
Sant Cugat (Spain)
Dortmund (Germany)
2023 certification
Fremont (USA)
2022 certification
Promeco (Mexico)
2019 certification
Sant Cugat (Spain)
In 2023, the production site in Sant Cugat (Spain) initiated AWS implementation
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai (China)
  • Carbon Neutrality and Zero Waste to Landfill certifications accredited by TÜV Rheinland
  • Water Stewardship certification by the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS)


Find out more about our initiatives and achievements on our journey towards a sustainable future.

MORE GREEN Infographic (PDF)

Environmental stewardship at Boehringer Ingelheim

Angels Initiative Infographic (PDF)

Healthcare initiative getting hospitals worldwide “stroke-ready”

Underserved Communities Infographic (PDF)

Defining the term at Boehringer Ingelheim

CREATE - Magazine for social intrapreneurship (PDF)