A platform for chronic patients’ needs in Spain

  • More Health

Chronicity Horizon 2025 (CH2025), a cross-sectoral platform, was established in 2018 with the aim of uniting scientific societies, patient organizations, the general health councils of Spain, and think tanks involved in addressing chronicity. The shared vision was clear: to collaborate with the administration to reflect on and promote public policies that enhance the quality of care for chronic patients, thereby fostering a favorable regulatory environment.

The platform’s activities are centered around analyzing and debating proposals to improve the situation of chronic patients, a priority on the national and regional political agendas. This platform unites 12 entities, with Boehringer Ingelheim standing out as the sole pharmaceutical company.

Today, the project represents over 650,000 healthcare professionals, 100 patient organizations, and 10 million patients. It has emerged as the leading platform for advising and debating on issues related to chronicity. In 2023, CH2025 published two significant reports: one focusing on recommendations for digital health management of chronic patients, and the other discussing the priority challenges for the healthcare system. The latter report underscores the need to strive for equity among the different regions of Spain in managing chronic diseases and proposes a roadmap for public administrations in the upcoming legislative term.

> 10 M
Patients, > 650,000 healthcare professionals and 100 patient organizations are represented in the project

In November 2023, the CH2025 platform took a major step forward by organizing the first chronicity forum with the 17 autonomous communities. The aim was to reflect on new challenges in chronicity and share successful experiences among them. This forum was attended by the highest representatives of the autonomous health systems, clinical experts, and members of CH2025.

As we look to the future, we recognize the challenges that chronicity presents to healthcare systems. Our primary objective is to evolve the CH2025 platform and engage stakeholders in the development of policies that benefit chronic patients living with cardio-renal metabolic (CRM) related diseases. This is achieved through improvements in prevention, early diagnosis, and access to innovative treatments. Together, we are committed to transforming the landscape of chronicity in Spain, one step at a time.