Partnering in France for better healthcare solutions

  • More Health

Challenging healthcare needs can only be met if we are willing to collaborate and look for sustainable solutions outside of well-trodden paths. That’s why Boehringer Ingelheim France is joining forces with forward-thinking partners to improve the health of vulnerable patients suffering from stroke and lung disease.

Together with the neurorehabilitation center Equiphoria, Boehringer is implementing a groundbreaking clinical trial to study the effects of therapeutic horseback riding on patients with aftereffects following a stroke. Launched in 2022 as a single-center study in partnership with the “Centre Hospitalier Sud-Francilien CHSF”, its goal is to determine and confirm the lasting effects and effectiveness of hippotherapy compared to conventional therapies.

Helping stroke patients with horse-assisted therapy

Study participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups: One group of patients follows a conventional neurorehabilitation program for 22 weeks. The second group of patients alternates 4 weeks of hippotherapy with 18 weeks of conventional neurorehabilitation. The trial became a multi-center study with the inclusion of the “Centre Hospitalier de Béziers CHB” and the Coste-Floret rehabilitation center in Lamalou-les-Bains in 2023. The impact of a multi-center trial is threefold: it accelerates patient recruitment, validates the approach at a national level, and achieves greater visibility for hippotherapy among patients and prescribers.

This collaborative and science-based approach is attracting increased attention in the medical community. More hospitals have expressed interest in taking part in the stroke-related study, with partnerships expected to be announced soon. Boehringer, with its over 30-year commitment to fighting neurological diseases, is looking forward to these collaborations on its mission to continually improve patient care.

Individualized treatment for pulmonary fibrosis patients

In partnership with Siel Bleu, an organization focused on preventative care through Adapted Physical Activity (APA), Boehringer is also seeking to improve the lives of people with pulmonary fibrosis. These patients have difficulty breathing, because the tissue in their lungs is scarred and thick. This leads to reduced lung function, which can significantly impact patients’ ability to be physically active. Via an online 18-week program co-created by the two partners, people with this chronic condition can participate in physical activity sessions tailored to meet their individual needs.

The health of 240 patients has improved since the project’s launch in France in 2020 - and the feedback from patients, caregivers, and doctors is very satisfactory. The user journey was optimized in 2023 by changing the digital platform (Fizzup). In addition, communication about the program to patients was improved by participating in various events and by organizing web conferences. By the end of 2024, the program is aiming to reach 100 more patients for better and more sustainable health outcomes.