Young and old unite against strokes in Brazil

  • More Health

Stroke is a devastating health emergency in any situation. In developing countries like Brazil, with its vast expanses and sparsely populated villages, stroke prevention and care can pose special challenges. Through our global Angels Initiative, we are uniting with Brazilians of all ages to strengthen stroke awareness and care.

“Fast Heroes” is a program designed to teach five to ten-year-olds about stroke symptoms and how important quick action is. It builds on the unique bond between children and their grandparents, since strokes occur most often in people over 55. In Brazil, Boehringer has helped bring the program to more than 300 Indigenous youth in four village schools belonging to the Xerente ethnic groups.

> 300
Indigenous youth reached with our “Fast Heroes” program

Empowering children to help save lives

During the interactive training sessions, the children meet different characters and learn by engaging with them. There is the villain “Clot” who can cause strokes. Then there are three grandparent “Superheroes” who highlight different stroke symptoms such as facial drooping, arm weakness, and speech difficulties.

The children also meet “Tiago”, the superheroes’ grandson. He helps them learn about their superpowers and teaches them how to act when they suspect a stroke: quickly call emergency care services. After the sessions, the children receive educational materials that they can take home. In addition to providing practical life-saving skills, the program focuses on fostering empathy and love.

Joining the world’s best stroke centers

The Angels Initiative is also supporting Brazilian healthcare centers and underserved communities in enhancing stroke care. This includes certifying hospitals according to global quality standards, for example Palmas General Hospital in Tocantins. During an award ceremony attended by Boehringer’s president in Brazil, Andrea Sambati, and medical director Dr. Thais Melo, the hospital was awarded the international qualification for excellence in stroke care.

But Boehringer and its partners are thinking even bigger: The Brazilian city of Ribeirão Preto became the world’s first “Angels City” in 2023, committed to offering ongoing excellence in stroke care. Supported, among others, by the World Stroke Organization and the Ibero-American Organization of Cerebrovascular Diseases, the Angels Initiative is continuing to have a positive impact on healthcare providers and patients.

Angels conducted
> 1,000
training sessions with over 50,000 healthcare professionals

Moving towards health equity for stroke patients

The Boehringer-led initiative provides hospitals with tools to improve internal processes, support for protocol implementation and management, as well as training and capacity building. To date more than 1,000 training sessions with over 50,000 healthcare professionals have been conducted in Brazil. The Initiative also provides patient awareness materials. These innovative solutions and programs are thus contributing to a healthier, more sustainable and equitable future – not just in Brazil, but around the world.

Learn more, here