More women for entrepreneurial health solutions

  • More Potential

Women continue to be underrepresented when it comes to founding companies. To illustrate, a 2020 study revealed that in Germany, for example, only 11.9 percent of start-up founders were women.1 This also has a negative impact on Boehringer Ingelheim, as it results in a lack of talented women and capable external partners. To address this issue, we conducted the Top Female Founders summer school in 2023.

Elisabeth Krahulec, Head of Unit Funding, was impressed by the enthusiasm for this training project. “The interest surpassed our expectations. Over two hundred women applied, and one hundred of them from more than fifty countries took part in the summer school.” The participants trained for three weeks online and for one week in Vienna. Their task involved developing a business case connected with a real need in the healthcare sector, for example health literacy.

> 200
women applied to the Top Female Founders summer school.

The project attracted international attention. It was supported financially by the European Union’s EIT Health program, and the Institute’s network was also of great assistance in running the summer school.

“The summer school was a win-win situation,” explains Peter Bencsik, Sustainable Development & Innovation Manager. “The participants acquired new skills for their entrepreneurial ambitions. And Boehringer Ingelheim benefited from new, intensive contacts in line with our MORE HEALTH and MORE POTENTIAL targets. Word has also spread about our commitment in this area, and the promotion on social media by participants has enhanced our image with decision-makers. We are therefore looking forward to running this project again in 2024.”

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