Our approach

  • More Health
  • More Potential
  • More Green

Our sustainability approach is based on our strengths as a global human and animal health company and aims to achieve greater impact for the health of humans and animals, society and the planet.

Join Maria Tereno, our Chief Sustainability & Culture Officer and members of our global sustainability team, as they share their insights on how we are driving positive change, both within the company and beyond.

Maria Tereno
Maria Tereno – Chief Sustainability & Culture Officer at
Boehringer Ingelheim
Dr. James Kinniburgh
Dr. James Kinniburgh – MORE HEALTH Lead
Tanja Vermeer
Tanja Vermeer – MORE POTENTIAL Lead
Ingo Weiss
Ingo Weiss – MORE GREEN Lead
Edda Dankmeyer
Edda Dankmeyer – Global Sustainability
Communications Lead
Dr. Conrad von Kameke
Dr. Conrad von Kameke – Global Head of Public Affairs and
Sustainability for Animal Health

Maria Tereno explains how our sustainability framework, ‘Sustainable Development for Generations’, focuses on health equity and embedding sustainability in everything we do.

A refined focus to bridge healthcare gaps

Edda: Can you share, where do we currently stand with sustainability at Boehringer Ingelheim?

Maria: In early 2021, we formally launched our global sustainability framework: Sustainable Development for Generations. This strategy takes a holistic approach and is based on three pillars – MORE HEALTH, MORE POTENTIAL and MORE GREEN. It reflects our commitment to human and animal health, to our people and communities, and health to the planet. Within this framework we have defined commitments 2030, which are in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The healthcare challenges our world faces are immense - we know that to achieve impact, we can’t do it alone, therefore we focus on innovation and fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration along our value chain.

Edda: It’s interesting to see how the concept of sustainability has evolved over the years. Back in the early 1900’s, Albert Boehringer introduced health insurance, affordable housing, pension plans and paid annual leave for our employees, understanding that their well-being is tied to the sustainability of the business. The idea of annual leave was such a novelty that employees often didn’t use it. To ensure they did, the company required them to send postcards while on vacation – confirming they went on leave and took the time to regenerate.

Maria: Indeed! Sustainability is integral part of our core values, and it is a journey that started a long time ago, one we are continuously developing. In 2023, we decided to evolve our sustainability strategy further to concentrate on nine sustainability programs. By sharpening our focus, we aim to create more impact and really make a difference. Moving forward, these are Innovation, Disease Prevention, Access, Healthcare Delivery Support, Social Engagement Models, Impact through our People, Responsible & Sustainable Sourcing, Sustainable Medicines, and Decarbonization & Water Management. The first four focus specifically on health equity initiatives across the entire patient continuum of care, designed to help close healthcare gaps.

Maria Tereno

Maria Tereno – Corporate Head, Sustainability and Culture

Edda: Could you explain what we are specifically doing to address health equity across the patient continuum of care?

Maria: Already today, we are helping millions of people worldwide to live longer, healthier lives. Our ultimate goal is to enable better healthcare for as many patients and animals as possible. In collaboration with like-minded partners, we are identifying and addressing barriers, which today stand in the way of equitable health systems for everyone. For example, at Boehringer, innovation is essential to all we do. So, integrating more sustainability criteria at the innovation stage is the best way to create impact to last for generations. As the world’s population becomes more diverse, we understand we need to include more diverse patient populations when we develop our clinical trials, this is one of our core initiatives under the umbrella of “Innovation”. We are already engaging in additional outreach with patient groups to strengthen this commitment. To fulfill our purpose of transforming lives for generations, we strive beyond treating diseases and work towards prevention, healthcare delivery support, and equitable access. With the objective of gaining a better understanding of the populations most impacted by health inequities and the barriers they face to access healthcare; we developed a company-wide definition for “underserved communities". This is very helpful in designing our initiatives.

Edda: Our commitment to Human Rights is not just a significant part of our sustainability efforts, but a fundamental principle that we actively integrate into our business operations. How come?

Maria: Indeed, Human Rights -encompassing basic political, civil, economic, labor, social, and cultural rights, and freedoms- are integral to our work and embedded in our company culture. We firmly believe that upholding these rights is not just essential for the sustainability of our business, but also the right thing to do. Our approach is aligned with the UN’s guiding principles on Business and Human Rights and integrated into our policies, such as our Code of Conduct and Environmental, Health, Safety (EHS) Compliance program and Supplier Code of Conduct. As members of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI), our Supplier Code of Conduct and EHS guidelines are also aligned with the PSCI’s principles.

Edda: We are so pleased to share this first edition of IMAGINE: our sustainability story hub. Which achievements from 2023 are your highlights?

Maria: It was a year of many achievements. Whether our Angels Initiative, which has grown to become the largest stroke community in the world and has helped over 16 million stroke patients over the years. Or, our STOP Rabies program, which last year implemented campaigns in different endemic countries and provided more than 43 million rabies vaccine doses. Overall, I am pleased of our progress and the recent external recognition of our sustainability efforts, since this confirms we are on the right track. Two stand out: last summer our decarbonization targets were validated and approved by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi), which means we are in alignment with the 2015 Paris Climate Accord. In November we received the German Sustainability Award for our global efforts in pioneering transformation in the pharmaceutical industry.

Edda: Both of these wouldn’t have been possible without the ongoing commitment of our colleagues around the globe.

Maria: Absolutely! At Boehringer, we are working towards instilling a sustainability mindset in all our 53,000+ employees around the globe, so that it becomes an integral part of everything we do. Embedding sustainability into how each and every one of us go about our jobs is key to our company's commitment to transforming lives and making a greater impact on humans, animals, communities, and our planet. Stay tuned Edda, there is much more to come!

Edda: Thanks Maria. It’s great to see how our holistic approach to sustainability is creating impact. It’s a challenging journey, but one we are all so incredibly proud to be part of.

Edda Dankmeyer

Edda Dankmeyer – Global Sustainability Communications Lead

Dr. James Kinniburgh, MORE HEALTH Lead

Jamie holds a doctorate in sociology in healthcare and has years of experience in Healthcare System Management and Patient Advocacy – he is passionate about ensuring that underserved communities get access to affordable and effective healthcare. Working together with partners from around the world, he is co-creating solutions and helping to drive Boehringer Ingelheim’s efforts to build a sustainable healthcare system that will be fit for the future.

Animal Health

More Potential

Tanja Vermeer, MORE POTENTIAL Lead

Tanja holds Master’s degrees in Organizational Psychology and Sustainability & Responsibility – and is dedicated to helping people and communities collaborate for the greater good. After leading her own Organizational Development consultancy company, she pivoted to healthcare and joined Boehringer Ingelheim in 2015. She is currently responsible for engagement and collaboration within the Making More Health initiative and is Program Lead for Impact through our People.

More Health

More Green

Ingo Weiss, MORE GREEN Lead

Ingo has years of experience in Global Environment and Sustainability Management – and as an engineer has a built-in passion to find innovative solutions to complex challenges. Ingo spearheads our global initiatives aimed at driving environmental sustainability. His strategic vision, collaborative approach and passion for sustainability supports our ambition to making a meaningful and positive impact on the health of the planet.


Animal Health

Dr. Conrad von Kameke, Global Head of Public Affairs and Sustainability for Animal Health

Conrad works at the crossroads of policy and sustainability. He holds a doctorate in biotech law and is passionate about innovation in life sciences and related policies. His expertise in biotech regulation and his particular interest in the earning of trust in technology governance led him to serve as a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council. Conrad is supporting Boehringer’s political license-to-operate and the Animal Health business’ efforts at creating positive impact.

More Green

More Health