Total stroke solutions for China

  • More Health

Stroke has emerged as the leading disease burden in China, driven by an aging population, dietary changes, and a faster-paced lifestyle. In 2020, there were approximately 18 million stroke patients in China, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of +5.5% over the previous five years. Additionally, there were 3.4 million new stroke cases, showing a CAGR of +6.3% during the same period.

Recognizing the significant disease burden, the Chinese government has prioritized stroke as a key focus in the Healthy China 2030 initiative. Concrete implementation steps and milestones have been set to systematically address this pressing issue.

Boehringer Ingelheim is a leading acute stroke treatment company. Our Total Stroke Solution (TSS) covers the entire patient journey, from prevention and education to detection and treatment. With our deep understanding of unmet needs throughout the patient journey, we are uniquely positioned to address the challenges faced by stroke patients.

One pain point Boehringer observed is that low health literacy leaves many people in China unaware of how to prevent, detect, and respond to stroke incidents. To address this, Boehringer took proactive steps. We supported the Chinese national government to initiate the Healthy China: Stroke Family Care Project in 2023. Our online platform published nearly 100 original quality authoritative short videos and 185 images/articles, reaching over one billion content exposure and 17,646 direct views in the campaign year. This groundbreaking grant project marks the first time such an initiative has been undertaken by Healthy China 2030, and Boehringer is proud to be the first and only company providing support to enhance the general public’s health literacy in 2023.

direct views in the campaign year

Impact and recognition of the TSS

The TSS has garnered widespread exposure, reaching key stakeholders in various regions. Local government officials in Shanghai, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Tianjin, Nantong, and Qingdao, along with officers from the National Health Commission, have been presented with the program. Moreover, external stakeholders have been engaged with the TSS at prestigious events, including the 2nd Conference of Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia during the Healthy Cities session, the Healthy China - Life and Health Industry Cross-Border Cooperation: Qiantang Fortune 500 Dialogue, the 2023 West China Rehabilitation Forum, and the 11th West China Rehabilitation International Forum. Additional exposure was achieved through the 2023 International Conference of Rehab Technology and Equipment, the 6th sub-forum of the 5th Healthy China Summit Forum, and the 33rd International Medical Instruments and Equipment and Great Health Achievements Exhibition. Additionally, we were honored to have the TSS recognized as the 2023 Resilient Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Pioneer Award Winner for the 2023 Sustainable Business Awards of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.