Coaching patients in Mexico to improve health

  • More Health

Therapeutic adherence can be a challenging issue in Mexico. Some forms of therapy are only adhered to for an average of three months. There are multiple reasons for this, including denial, lack of information, or difficulty in accessing treatment. So Boehringer Ingelheim created a program to help support patients on their journey to better health.

Medicoach is targeted towards people in Mexico and six countries in Central America who are living with type 2 diabetes, COPD, asthma, or hypertension. The program wants to make patients aware of how important it is to address these diseases - and give people the tools they need to modify their mentality and behavior.

> 14,000
patients have graduated from the program so far, with 40% maintaining their treatment regimen for longer than eight months.

Creating lasting impact through healthcare access

The psychology-based program has four pillars: medication, diet, exercise and a support network. Among other things, Medicoach participants receive cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and education about their respective condition. The goal: to enable people who may previously have struggled with treatment adherence adopt a new, healthier lifestyle.

More than 14,000 patients have graduated from the program so far, with 40% maintaining their treatment regimen for longer than eight months. By helping underserved communities access high-quality healthcare programs like Medicoach, Boehringer is thus creating a lasting social impact for patients and their families.

Medicoach: A healthier lifestyle within easy reach