Joining forces to fight diabetes in Mexico

  • More Health

In Mexico, more than 12 million people have diabetes. The disease and its complications are not just devastating. They also engender costs that are financially debilitating for most Mexican families. That is why Boehringer Ingelheim Mexico is strengthening its ongoing partnership with Ashoka Fellow Javier Lozano, founder of the country’s so-called ‘Sugar Clinics’.

Sugar Clinics benefit underserved communities

These ‚Clínicas del Azúcar‘ provide specialized, low-cost medical care for diabetes patients from the middle and lower classes, especially in rural and isolated communities. These patients have limited treatment options. They often develop health complications which can lead to job loss, severe emotional stress and economic strain.

Two leaders in diabetes care, one common goal

After taking part in Ashoka’s Social Intrapreneurship for Innovation in Health course, National Hospital Sales Manager Sergio Cisneros and Senior Sales Manager Damián Hinojos had an idea: Why not harness the power of Lozano’s clinics and invest in the well-being of Boehringer Ingelheim Mexico collaborators? As leaders in the field of diabetes, this would be a win-win for all parties.

Bienestar Contigo program was born

Cisneros and Hinojos developed a strategy based on creativity, empathy, and teamwork. Collaborating with different departments at Boehringer Ingelheim Mexico (e.g. Corporate Affairs, GFE, Marketing), they created the Bienestar Contigo (Wellness with You) membership program. It allows employees to access the health services of ‚Clínicas del Azúcar‘ in person or virtually, at no extra cost.

More than
60 %
of the participants are adhering better to treatment

Benefits to patients are already palpable

By early 2024, almost 100 collaborators of Boehringer Ingelheim Mexico received diagnostic studies, as well as medical, nutritional and psychological care, sponsored by Boehringer. This includes follow-ups for diabetes-induced heart, eye, feet and kidney complications. More than 60% of the participants are adhering better to treatment and thus showing improvements in their condition.

Innovating for a healthier world

These promising results have led to a new branch opening in 2022, allowing family members to access the same services at a preferential cost. Work is also underway to expand the project to reach more collaborators and to extend the scheme to other companies. This pathway to growth shows how committed partners who are open to innovation can help co-create a healthier world.