
C. H. Boehringer Sohn AG & Co. KG
Binger Strasse 173
55216 Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany

Trade Register of the Local Court of Mainz: HR B 23354
Identification number for turnover tax: DE 811 138 149

The Board of Managing Directors:
Hubertus von Baumbach (Chairman)
Michael Schmelmer
Carinne Brouillon
Dr. Paola Casarosa
Shashank Deshpande
Frank Hübler

Chairman of the Shareholders' Committee:
Christian Boehringer

Phone: +49-6132-77-0
Fax: +49-6132-72-0

Photo credits

  • Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Depositphotos (Teaser “A guide to stop rabies in Southeast Asia”)Midjourney (Teaser "Water Stewardship: Every drop counts", "Making our medicines greener through eco-design", "Ecological stoves safeguard family health")
  • E. Bogros (Teaser “Partnering in France for better healthcare solutions”)
  • Frank Daum (Teaser “Waste reduction and sustainable energy in Germany”)
  • Permian Global (Teaser "On the path to decarbonization: How we reduce our emissions")
  • StreetVet (Teaser “Veterinary care for pets of people experiencing homelessness in the UK”)