Sexuelle Orientierung und geschlechtliche Identität

Respekt, Chancengleichheit sowie die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben bilden die Basis des Miteinanders bei Boehringer Ingelheim. Die Diversität aller Mitarbeitenden bereichert unser Unternehmen und trägt maßgeblich zu dessen Innovationspotenzial bei. Mitarbeitende unterschiedlicher sexueller Orientierung und geschlechtlicher Identität oder geschlechtlichen Ausdrucks sind bei uns willkommen.

Our rainbow network

The Boehringer Ingelheim Rainbow Network works to ensure that our company is a safe place for all LGBTIQ employees:

The members are active contact and cooperation partners for employee and customer-oriented communication on LGBTIQ issues. "Colorful" life in our company should become more visible through joint campaigns. The network is open to all employees at Boehringer Ingelheim - regardless of whether they themselves are lesbian, gay, bi, trans, inter or queer or would like to get involved as relatives, friends or supporters. Our German management actively supports the network through a sponsor. The rainbow network offers a protected space to exchange experiences together. If desired, anonymity can of course be maintained.



to show the flag

On the occasion of the Diversity Days, the IDAHOT (International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia) called by the nationwide corporate initiative Charta der Diversity, and other occasions, we consciously fly the flag with campaigns, blog posts, competitions or colorful food in the company restaurant.

Well advised – PrOut@Work

Our strategic partner PROUT AT WORK supports us in creating an open and appreciative corporate culture. The non-profit foundation campaigns for openness and equal opportunities in the world of work.

As PROUTEMPLOYER, we support the PROUT AT WORK Foundation and are committed to creating a working environment that is open to all people - regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or gender characteristics and characteristics.