A day and night veterinary clinic for pet care: Our collaborating partners provide veterinary assistance

Imagine your pet having difficulties to breath in the middle of the night? Or being sick out of a sudden? What do you do? Is there any veterinarian available? Emergency rooms? Usually, vet clinics operate in business hours – but you can’t wait until the morning. In Vienna, though, you wouldn’t need to worry about proper veterinarian assistance. We are happy to support vet professionals committed to every animal at every time of the day - or the night.

Two vets providing veterinary assistance in a veterinary clinic

Dr. Andreas Hiebl and his team, work in a veterinary clinic that is open 24/7, 365 days of the year, and has all the equipment needed for emergencies. It is one of the first vet clinics to implement a 24-hour working model.

Veterinary assistance day and night

Skilled, passionate people and sound equipment matters. But, relying on partners like our Animal Health business unit to deliver the medicine they need is also crucial. Learn how.

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