Planting Trees to Help Care for the Environment

spruce trees

To help protect the planet and celebrate Earth Day 2022, we handed out 2,000 spruce seedlings to employees at our Ridgefield, CT location. Our staff picked up seedlings, planting instructions, and details on spruce trees to take home with them.

“As we strive to keep patients and animals healthy, it’s important that we do the same to help the environment,” said Bill Galdenzi, Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Director. “I’m excited that our employees have an interest in learning about trees and doing their part to be good environmental stewards.” 

We’ll be planting any remaining seedlings at the headquarters. We can’t wait to see how the trees grow and how beautiful they will look in a few years!  

Benefits of Planting Trees

  1. Help to fight climate change. Trees absorb carbon dioxide by removing it from the air and storing it in their wood and roots. For example, a single tree can store as much as 50 pounds of carbon each year as it grows. Fun fact - An acre of trees absorbs the same amount of carbon in a year as if you drove your car 26,000 miles.

  2. Clean the air and produce oxygen. One tree can produce enough oxygen for four people! Trees also clean the air by absorbing pollution, such as nitrogen oxides, ozone, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide.

  3. Reduce the air temperature. Trees can lower temperatures during summer months by blocking out up to 90 percent of the sun’s radiation.

  4. Control flooding and erosion. A large tree can consume 100 gallons of water in one day and help to control flooding. Trees also help control erosion by holding soil together with their roots. 

  5. Help protect wildlife. Trees are crucial in sustaining local wildlife. They are a good food source and provide a natural habitat for animals. Did you know: Planting one tree in a pasture can increase the number of bird species from near zero to 80.

  6. Reduce energy bills. Trees planted on the east and west sides of buildings provide shade in warmer months and reduce the need for air conditioning.  In winter months, evergreen trees reduce the impact from cold winds.