Larry’s Story: Becoming an advocate for people with lung cancer

In 2013, Larry was diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer. Find out about how his diagnosis led him to advocate for others living with lung cancer using the understanding gained through his cancer journey.

For more than a decade, Larry has been living with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Following his lung cancer diagnosis, Larry found GO2 for Lung Cancer, a patient founded and focused advocacy organization, who empowered him to educate and understand lung cancer, for himself and others. He found joy in becoming an advocate for people living with similar diagnoses, valuing the ability for him to “give back” to other patients. Larry uses his experience of his own cancer journey to help inform researchers and healthcare professionals as they work to make meaningful advancements in cancer treatment.

Watch the full film below to learn more about Larry’s journey, including understanding his diagnosis, the importance of research advocacy and his advice for people on similar cancer journeys.