Pharmacy Rotations

What have you learned during your rotation and have your perceptions changed?

I had the pleasure of completing my Medical Information rotation alongside the MTCI team at BI. From advertising and promotional review to updating standard response documents, I was exposed to the countless ways that pharmacists leave a mark at BI, especially in Medical Information. Each day I was constantly learning, absolutely engaged and fascinated by each of the projects I assisted with. In particular, I was excited to contribute to a submission to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Additionally, I was fortunate to participate in some unique opportunities, as I attended a biosimilars differentiation workshop and the PhaB panel discussion on market access!

Donato S. Forlenza, Student, Albany College of Pharmacy

BI has contractual agreements with select Schools of Pharmacy to host PharmD students for rotations up to 8 weeks. A rotation within the pharmaceutical industry provides students a new perspective as they consider additional career opportunities.