Healthier South Wirral PCN Joint Working Executive Summary

Identification and optimisation of care for patients with mild to moderate Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) across Healthier South Wirral Primary Care Network through the delivery of a data led-quality improvement programme.

This project between Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd (BIL) and Healthier South Wirral Primary Care Network (PCN) aims to improve patient outcomes and reduce unscheduled COPD-related healthcare resource use.  

Wirral is one of the 20% most deprived boroughs in England and about a quarter of children live in low income families1. Poorer health outcomes are present in these areas, with people more likely to smoke, have lower levels of physical activity and poor diets1. These lifestyle behaviours contribute to health inequalities which result in a lower life expectancy, with respiratory disease being one of key areas of concern1

The Joint Working project with BIL, utilising PRIMIS GRASP-COPD, will support Healthier South Wirral PCN to improve patient health outcomes by:

I. Identifying, reviewing and implementing a new clinical pathway for the mild to moderate COPD patient, ensuring early detection with accurate diagnosis

II. Identifying patients with a diagnosis of mild to moderate COPD and Asthma to confirm which is their primary condition and to optimise long-term management of their COPD condition to reduce exacerbations, hospital admissions and premature mortality

III. Reviewing diagnostic tests/treatment to evaluate the most appropriate treatment pathway and to undertake the use of additional tests, if required

The pilot aims to start in May 2021 and is anticipated to run for up to 15 months.

BIL is delighted to collaborate with Healthier South Wirral PCN to explore the challenges and support needed to design and deliver a robust, high-quality improvement programme to benefit a significant patient cohort across the PCN practices.


1. NHS Wirral CCG Annual Report Summary 2019/2020. Available at: (Last accessed April 2021)


NP-GB-101831 V2   November 2022