Resources for people with heart failure and their carers


Heart failure: A misunderstood mystery

If someone asked you, would you be confident in explaining what heart failure is? No? Neither would 73% of the UK and Irish population.

Download results from our 2021 HF survey now. They include:

  • Revelations on knowledge, perspectives and attitudes towards heart failure in the UK and Ireland
  • Data from 2,100 members of the general public, including people currently living with cardiovascular disease

Download the infographic here


Resources from the Pumping Marvellous Foundation

The Pumping Marvellous Foundation is a charity run by patients and carers manging their heart failure for patients and carers who have heart failure. It supplies over 200,000 patient guides every year to the NHS.

Access Pumping Marvellous Heart Failure patient guides through their Community Hub that:

  • Has a variety of materials that have been written by patients and validated by healthcare professionals
  • Includes booklets, videos and podcasts covering important topics including initial diagnosis, living with heart failure, tests and investigations, medications and more

Get your resources here


Resources from The British Society for Heart Failure (BSH)

The British Society for Heart Failure is the professional association for heart failure care across the UK. The BSH campaign, 'Freedom from Heart Failure - The F Word' was created to encourage people to learn more about this important condition through informative and educational resources.

Access F-word resources that:

  • Aim to support the understanding and recognition of key symptoms, leading to more timely medical intervention
  • Explore a range of resources including first-hand stories and videos from patients about life with heart failure

Get your F-Word resources here

The Boehringer Ingelheim and Lilly Alliance


NP-GB-103700 June 2023