Creation of an Experience Journey Map to deliver integration and efficiency within heart failure service provision delivered through a collaboration between Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership and Boehringer Ingelheim Limited

A Collaborative Working project between Boehringer Ingelheim Limited (BIL) and Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership (CMHCP) to deliver integration and efficiency within heart failure service provision, through the creation of an experience journey map.

CMHCP is an integrated care system in the North-West of England who are at the forefront of transforming the health and wellbeing of their 2.7 million citizens. Through the Cheshire and Merseyside Cardiac Board, local health and care leaders have published an integrated end-to-end pathway that will improve access and outcomes for people with heart failure1.

The key objectives of this project are;

  • To identify opportunities to improve the healthcare journey that impacts access to care, patient experience, and measurable health outcomes.
  • To visualise an actionable service blueprint to embed the Cheshire and Merseyside Heart Failure Pathway through Widnes Primary Care Network, based on understanding key stakeholder needs.
  • To continue to form collaborative and creative engagement with diverse stakeholders from across an integrated healthcare system to transform care pathways.

Widnes Primary Care Network (PCN) have defined the need to transform services for patients with heart failure in order to deliver the pathway defined by Cheshire and Merseyside cardiac board. As such, Widnes PCN will be the pilot site for this collaboration. Widnes PCN also aims to embed their work plans to unite services around their neighbourhood, and therefore, the collaboration will also serve as a blueprint to progress integration.

This project aims to mobilise resources for a period of 3 months from October 2022 until end of December 2022.

Boehringer Ingelheim Limited is pleased to collaborate with Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership (and affiliated partners) to design and deliver this Collaborative Working Project.

Completed Outcomes

Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System, through a collaborative group of stakeholders, have built on their existing regional heart failure pathway and created a locality blueprint to improve integration, experience, and outcomes.

Results of stakeholder co-creation revealed 6 opportunity areas that work together to transform heart failure care across Cheshire and Merseyside. Each area contains ideas for both connecting existing local services in new ways, as well as defining entirely new services and strategies that can improve heart failure care for Cheshire and Merseyside.

In addition, one transversal opportunity area emerged that facilitates service transformation and includes: new roles that can help coordinate care delivery across the integrated care system, support for effective inter-disciplinary communication across primary, secondary, tertiary and community care, cross-system training programs and platforms that enable heart failure knowledge and capability exchange and foster team-working, trust-building, and system resilience.

The outputs from this collaboration will be shared with the stakeholders that participated in the programme to enable the creation of a heart failure action framework for delivery over the next 12 months through the PCN, locality, integrated care system, and wider partners.




NP-GB-103595   April 2023