The Supplier Code of Conduct

Our Values – Your Values

The Boehringer Ingelheim Supplier Code of Conduct was initially adopted by Boehringer Ingelheim’s Board of Managing Directors and entered into force in 2016.

Dear reader,

Boehringer Ingelheim is a world leader in innovative pharmaceutical and animal health products and therapies. We produce safe and high quality products and go beyond mere compliance with the law to uphold high ethical and environmental standards. The values of our Leitbild: Respect, Trust, Empathy and Passion are at the center of everything we do.

Boehringer Ingelheim suppliers are an integral part of this commitment to success. Boehringer Ingelheim recognizes and expects adherence to exemplary ethical and professional conduct both within the Company and from its business partners.

Boehringer Ingelheim endeavors to select business partners who operate their businesses with professionalism and integrity, share our social and environmental values, and acknowledge our quality and safety culture.

We expect them to promote these responsibilities – also along their own supply chain.

Boehringer Ingelheim developed this Supplier Code of Conduct based upon its internal Employee Code of Conduct, the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative’s (PSCI) Pharmaceutical Industry Principles, the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the Responsible Care program as well as Boehringer Ingelheim’s Values and Principles.

With this brochure we would like to present our Supplier Code of Conduct and establish it as a binding basis for successful cooperation, in line with our Leitbild:

Our Values — Your Values.

Michael Betke-Hornfeck
Chief Purchasing Officer

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Our Code of Conduct
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