永續發展|百靈佳殷格翰打造永續未來的三大關鍵 A commitment to sustainability, supported by three pillars

More Health 健康促進,More Potential 潛能提升,More Green 環保優化。是百靈佳殷格翰永續經營策略「Sustainable Development – For Generations 永續發展 – 世代經營」中的三大支柱。包括公司在全世界推動對人類與動物健康、社會和環境永續發展的承諾上。

百靈佳殷格翰在對未來世代負責的思考上有著悠久的傳統。在一個世紀前(1885年),公司的創始人Albert Boehringer為員工提供了負擔的起的住房、健康保險與有薪假期。從那時起,公司便不斷調整、擴大與深化對社會和環境負責的承諾。


2021年,我們將所有企業對永續發展的倡議整合到名為「Sustainable Development – For Generations 永續發展 – 世代經營」的廣泛策略下,該策略基於三大支柱:More Health 健康促進,包括公司所有健康相關的議題;More Potential 潛能提升,涵蓋公司對人力資源和社群力量的發展計劃;More Green 環保優化,則代表我們對環境永續性的承諾。


More Health 健康促進





「PATHWAYS」計畫是百靈佳殷格翰幫助原住民取得更好的醫療保健服務的範例。在加拿大的英屬哥倫比亞省,許多的原住民社區與城市的醫療中心相距數百英里,其中,努查努阿特第一民族社區,普遍存在如慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)與糖尿病等的非傳染性疾病。事實上,加拿大有近80%的原住民在生命某個時刻就會罹患第二型糖尿病 (來源)



Mehmood Alibhai
百靈佳殷格翰加拿大 國際政策與風險分攤經理(Director of National Policy and Patient Access at Boehringer Ingelheim Canada)


「作為合作夥伴,最重要的一點就是傾聽並了解人們真正需要的是什麼。」百靈佳殷格翰加拿大 國際政策與風險分攤經理(Director of National Policy and Patient Access at Boehringer Ingelheim CanadaMehmood Alibhai表示。相信人們知道他們社區最需要的是什麼,是優化他們所接受的醫療服務最有效的方式。







More Potential 潛能提升


在More Potential 潛能提升這一支柱下推出的專案,旨在促進良好健康,為百靈佳殷格翰及其員工、社群和合作夥伴提供最佳的條件,使他們能夠充分發揮潛力,涵蓋了健康、教育、就業條件、貧困與不平等…等議題。



2010年,百靈佳殷格翰與全球最大的社會創新企業家網絡Ashoka的共同建立了「MMH」(Making More Health)計畫,這個長期合作的夥伴關係旨在為人類、動物與其社群在醫療遇到的複雜挑戰,提供創新解決的方案。



超過 120位全球的社會企業家受到MMH計畫的支持,他們致力於人類和動物健康領域的工作



More Green 環保優化


More Green 環保優化旨在降低百靈佳殷格翰對環境的影響,並實踐環境永續的解方。為了更加環保,我們要盡量節約用水,並保護所在社區的潔淨水資源。此外,我們也承諾減少廢棄物的產生,新品的開發採用了生態設計和綠色化學的概念。








我們在中國上海張江的工廠也通過德國技術檢測協會TÜV Rheinland的認證,成為碳中和認證的一員,而我們在美國喬治亞州蓋恩斯維爾(Gainesville, Georgia)的家禽疫苗生產基地也獲得同樣的認證。



Felix Gutsche,
百靈佳殷格翰中國 總經理(Boehringer Ingelheim Country Manager in China)

前百靈佳殷格翰中國 總經理(Boehringer Ingelheim Country Manager in China)Felix Gutsche,表示公司在中國的成功來自團隊的努力。










A commitment to sustainability, supported by three pillars

More Health. More Potential. More Green. These are the three pillars of Boehringer Ingelheim’s company-wide sustainability strategy: “Sustainable Development – For Generations.” The approach encompasses the company’s global commitment to driving sustainability in health for humans and animals, communities and the environment.

Boehringer Ingelheim has a long tradition of thinking responsibly about future generations. More than a century ago, the company’s founder, Albert Boehringer, provided affordable housing, health insurance and paid holidays for his employees. Ever since, the company has continuously adapted, expanded and deepened its commitment to acting responsibly towards society — and the environment.

More than a quarter-century ago Boehringer Ingelheim drew inspiration from the groundbreaking 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio, which set global commitments to an equitable, peaceful and sustainable world. Our company redoubled its commitment to sustainable development.

And in 2021, we consolidated all our corporate sustainability initiatives under a broad strategy, “Sustainable Development – For Generations.” Our approach is based on three pillars: More Health, which includes all of the company’s health-related initiatives; More Potential, encompassing the company’s plans to build on the strength of its people and communities; and More Green, for our commitment to environmental sustainability.

More Health


More Health for people, animals and communities around the world. That’s the ambitious aim of the initiatives under this pillar. Boehringer Ingelheim works with partners to develop and implement promising solutions to challenging health issues.

One of these partnership programs is PATHWAYS – Indigenous Health Collaborations initiative in Canada.

According to the UN, there are more than 476 million indigenous people across 90 countries worldwide. And often, they’re underserved in social support and healthcare. Because many indigenous people live in isolated communities, part of the challenge is providing appropriate access to healthcare suited to these groups’ unique needs. This is particularly a challenge in countries which cover an extensive geographic area.

PATHWAYS is an example of the programs through which Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to helping indigenous people gain better access to healthcare. Many of the indigenous communities in the Canadian province of British Columbia live hundreds of miles away from urban healthcare centers. One of them, the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations community, suffers from a particularly high prevalence of non-communicable diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and diabetes. In fact, almost 80 percent of indigenous people in Canada develop type 2 diabetes at some point in their lives (source).



Mutual respect is key

Mehmood Alibhai,
Director of National Policy and Patient Access at Boehringer Ingelheim Canada

Through PATHWAYS, Boehringer Ingelheim is partnering with the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations to close the healthcare gap for more than 20,000 members of indigenous communities.

“A big part of being a partner is listening and finding out what people really need,” explains Mehmood Alibhai, Director of National Policy and Patient Access at Boehringer Ingelheim Canada. Trusting that people know what’s best for their own communities is the most effective way to optimize the healthcare they receive.

Training and knowledge transfer in indigenous communities is also important. The PATHWAYS initiative is currently running a pilot project to help community health workers make better use of technology and provide healthcare in a culturally appropriate way.

Meanwhile, in New Zealand, Boehringer Ingelheim is working on various initiatives in collaboration with healthcare professionals, patient advocacy groups and the national Pharmaceutical Management Agency to assist the Māori and Pacific Island populations, to provide more equitable access to type 2 diabetes medications.


More Potential


Projects launched under the More Potential pillar focus on promoting good health, as well as the best possible conditions for the people at Boehringer Ingelheim and its communities and at the company’s partners to reach their full potential. The company’s various projects address health, education and work, along with issues involving living conditions, poverty and inequality.




Supporting disadvantaged communities

In 2010, Boehringer Ingelheim and Ashoka, the world’s largest network of social entrepreneurs, jointly established the “Making More Health” (MMH) initiative. This long-term partnership focuses on innovative solutions to complex healthcare challenges for people, animals and their communities.

The approach addresses interdependent issues that, besides healthcare, include economic development, infrastructure, education and culture. It emphasizes collaboration with communities as equal partners and enables Boehringer Ingelheim employees to share their knowledge and skills.

11,000 employees involved in MMH

> 120 social entrepreneurs worldwide working in human and animal health are supported

12 million people reached by MMH

MMH commited to impact 30 million lives by 2025


More Green


More Green focuses on reducing the environmental footprint of Boehringer Ingelheim and implementing environmentally sustainable solutions. To become more green, we need to further reduce water usage, while also protecting clean water in the communities where the company operates. In addition, we commit to reducing waste as well as applying eco-design and green chemistry concepts to all new products.


Less is more: milestones

Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to becoming carbon-neutral in its company operations by 2030. The company has launched numerous initiatives to achieve this objective, including an investment of 205 million euros for a new environmentally friendly biomass power plant at the company’s headquarters in Ingelheim. And by stipulating a carbon price of 100 euros per ton of CO2 for all new investments, the company has challenged every division to find the most innovative solution with the lowest level of emissions.


Local success, global impact

Boehringer Ingelheim is proud to have acquired various certifications for its environmentally friendly approach. The company, for example, became the first pharmaceutical company in China to achieve carbon neutrality and also the first pharmaceutical company to achieve the internationally recognized “Zero Waste to Landfill” certification.

In addition, the biopharmaceutical production facility of Boehringer Ingelheim in Shanghai, China, was one of only two multinational pharmaceutical companies to be included in the Shanghai Ministry of Ecology & Environment’s Top 100 best practices list, as well as being the recipient of the 2022 Sustainable Business Award by the European Chamber of Commerce in China.

Our plant in Zhangjiang was also certified as carbon neutral by TÜV Rheinland, the German technical inspection association — as was our poultry vaccination site, in Gainesville, Georgia, in the USA.


Cooperation – the key to success

Felix Gutsche,
Boehringer Ingelheim Country Manager in China

Felix Gutsche, Boehringer Ingelheim Country Manager in China, says the company’s success there is the result of a true team effort.

“The close partnership between our local team in Shanghai and the team at the head office in Germany is a perfect example of what the ‘think globally, act locally’ mindset looks like in practice,” explains Gutsche. “It plays a vital role in helping us achieve what we have set out to do — making all of our facilities climate-neutral and significantly reducing our natural resource footprint at every stage of the value chain.”


