人力資源|讓人成為核心:共同建立企業價值 A personal tale of a people-first approach





「在研究領域發展我的職業生涯是我相當熱衷的事情。這就是為什麼我對引領我專業發展的機會感到雀躍。」-Anna Kaufmann,百靈佳殷格翰體外ADME資深科學家(Senior Scientist in-vitro ADME)。

Anna Kaufmann博士約五年前開始在百靈佳殷格翰公司的旅程,她作為一名下游藥物開發的博士後研究員加入。後來,她的經理成為了一位母親,並成為「彈性工作」(flexible working)的典範。




「她展現了超出預期且能迅速熟悉新主題並解決具挑戰性問題的能力。」-百靈佳殷格翰研究藥物代謝與藥物動力學部門主管(Head of Research Drug Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics)Achim Sauer博士如此評價她。



然後,一個誘人工作機會出現了:該工作是位於德國比伯拉赫(比伯拉赫)的百靈佳殷格翰藥物發現科學研究部門,並由Achim Sauer博士領導的職位。









「我們知道,高度投入的員工是我們公司創新力的核心。」-Sven Sommerlatte博士,百靈佳殷格翰全球人力資源主管(Global Head of Human Resources)。



Sven Sommerlatte博士,百靈佳殷格翰全球人力資源主管(Global Head of Human Resources at Boehringer Ingelheim)。

在百靈佳殷格翰全球人力資源主管Sven Sommerlatte博士看來,這一切都符合公司以人為本的文化。Kaufmann博士的職業生涯展示在百靈佳殷格翰這個為世代著想的家族企業可能實現的事情。


「我們知道,高度投入的員工是我們公司創新力的核心。」Dr. Sommerlatte表示:「像 Kaufmann博士一樣,他們擁有一份適合自己的工作並能從中成長,那麼這也將造福於人類和動物。」



了解更多關於百靈佳殷格翰的工作: https://careers.boehringer-ingelheim.com



與百靈佳殷格翰人力資源全球負責人Sven Sommerlatte博士一同探索




A personal tale of a people-first approach



The ambitions, skills and ideas of the employees at Boehringer Ingelheim are the foundation of its innovative strength. This is why the family-owned company has always placed an emphasis on its workforce and continues to put people first in everything it does. Together, the employees of Boehringer Ingelheim shape a work environment that lets every individual thrive.


“Making my career in research is something I’m very passionate about. That's why I was happy about the opportunity to steer my professional development.”


Dr. Anna Kaufmann, Senior Scientist in-vitro ADME at Boehringer Ingelheim


When Dr. Anna Kaufmann began her journey at Boehringer Ingelheim about five years ago, it was as a post-doctoral researcher in downstream drug development. Then her manager became a mother — and served as a role model for flexible working.


“She worked from home, part-time,” Dr. Kaufmann recalls. “At first, a little over two hours a day. Nevertheless, she managed to make sure that I was able to find my way and that we were all well-coordinated as a team. In retrospect, she played a truly pioneering role in my life.”


Dr. Kaufmann’s post-doctoral work was followed by a stint in drug formulation development. It was a valuable experience, outside a laboratory. But she realized her true yearning was for scientific work in the lab — a realization reinforced by a three-month job rotation in Boehringer Ingelheim’s Immuno-Oncology research department. “Making my career in research is something I’m very passionate about,” she says.



“She exceeded expectations and demonstrated her ability to familiarize herself with new topics quickly and solve challenging  questions.”


Dr. Achim Sauer, Head of Research Drug Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics at Boehringer Ingelheim


An ideal opportunity

And then came an alluring job advertisement: An opening in Boehringer Ingelheim’s Drug Discovery Sciences research department in Biberach, Germany, led by Dr. Achim Sauer.


“I saw this job posting — in research, which I had always worked towards," Dr. Kaufmann says. Even though the job as a senior scientist involved a management role, and she had no history of leadership experience, she applied anyway.


Dr. Kaufmann was invited to the selection process, which included performing a research task which she had to solve theoretically from the field with which she had no previous experience, either. “I took an extra three days’ time to do this research work,” she says. “I was convinced that the job vacancy would mean a great development opportunity for me, and that's why I decided to roll up my sleeves.”


Dr. Sauer was impressed. “She exceeded expectations,” he says, “and demonstrated her ability to familiarize herself with new topics quickly and solve challenging questions.”


Dr. Kaufmann’s coveted job offer was accompanied by another piece of good fortune: She was going to become a mother, for the second time. "My family and I were enormously happy about the news,” she says. “At the same time, I wondered what this would mean for the job change.”


Dr. Kaufmann opted for openness and transparency, which she considers crucial to good teamwork. So, when asked when she could start, she replied: “I'm pregnant.”


Thinking in terms of generations

When Dr. Ms. Kaufmann returned from her leave, she followed the plan inspired by her manager five years earlier, working 1.5 hours a day for the first two months.


“We all have different life circumstances and in my case it's the new addition to the family. I want to show that we can link different working models and meet our personal needs as well as work-related aspirations.”



“We know that highly committed employees are the core of the innovative strength of our company.”

Dr. Sven Sommerlatte,
Global Head of Human Resources at Boehringer Ingelheim



Dr. Sven Sommerlatte
Global Head of Human Resources at Boehringer Ingelheim


It's all in keeping with the company’s people-first culture, in the view of Dr. Sven Sommerlatte, Global Head of Human Resources at Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr. Kaufmann's career trajectory demonstrates what is possible at Boehringer Ingelheim, a family-owned company that thinks in terms of generations.


“We know that highly committed employees are the core of the innovative strength of our company,” Dr. Sommerlatte says. “If, like Dr. Kaufmann, they have a job that suits them and where they can grow, then this is also for the benefit of humans and animals.”




Learn more about working at Boehringer Ingelheim https://careers.boehringer-ingelheim.com



Explore the career tips from Dr. Sven Sommerlatte, Global Head of Human Resources, Boehringer Ingelheim


