S6. EP1. 世代經營|全球團隊的共同目標 A global team with a common purpose



法國,蘭斯(Reims, France)
8 a.m.
Aude Edmond
藥物監控和醫療資訊主管(Head of Pharmacovigilance and Medical Information)
馬來西亞,八打靈再也(Petaling Jaya, Malaysia)
3 p.m.
Franice Chiam
執行助理(Executive Assistant)


Aude Edmond:「儘管在同一間公司工作多年,我一直透過尋找專業認證來推動我的職涯發展,先是市場營銷、統計學、公共衛生、審計,最後是藥物監控。」


Franice Chiam:「在馬來西亞的工作氛圍真的很像一家人,有助我在艱困時期找到方向。現在的我已經回到辦公室了,但我很幸運可以選擇在家工作,能在一間關注當代及未來世代福祉的公司工作,讓身為一個母親的我感到非常欣慰。」


Aude Edmond:「我同意。我父親於五年前過世,而我最近則成為了奶奶,這讓我更加體會到跨世代間建立緊密聯繫的重要性。不管是在個人生活還是工作中,我們都需要花時間彼此聆聽、互相學習。」


Franice Chiam:「我也很開心公司重視世代的永續發展,這些價值觀對我來說非常重要。我曾在兩家德國公司上班過,但只有百靈佳殷格翰是真的積極在關注這些議題的公司,這讓我感到超有成就感!說到永續發展,我覺得微小的貢獻也能充滿意義,比如說,我們盡量避免浪費辦公室的資源,在選擇供應商時考慮永續性的問題。在我們這個區域,百靈佳殷格翰在今年發起了B-effect的計畫,旨在喚起人們減少即棄塑膠使用的意識。公司也和知名非營利組織Ashoka合作,推行各項計劃幫助生活在貧困社區的人們改善生活。」


Aude Edmond:「談及永續發展和世代問題時,我最關注的是把我們的經驗和知識傳承下去。大約再過兩年,我就可以退休了,所以我們目前正在討論我離開後團隊的樣貌、誰來接管我的職責,以及我想傳遞給他們的是什麼。」


Franice Chiam:「你有聽過百靈佳殷格翰這家公司為員工心理健康所做的各項計畫嗎?我們經常會透過開會了解員工的需求,並提高大家對心理健康的認知。我知道每個公司都需要賺錢,但百靈佳殷格翰願意關心員工,真的讓我印象深刻。」


Aude Edmond:「沒錯,這裡有很多機會可以讓員工參與並發揮影響力。在法國,公司每年會提供十天讓我們參加『Boehringer Ingelheim Solidaires』的計畫來幫助他人。我最近就幫助了一些就業機會受限的年輕人申請工作。參與其中的貢獻不僅幫助了他人,也能讓自己從中成長,因此,我總會建議我的團隊充分利用百靈佳殷格翰提供的每個機會來提升自我的發展。我對這間公司非常了解,也見證它在過去幾十年中的變化,我為百靈佳殷格翰在眾多領域引領在前,從不隨波逐流這點感到自豪,而它的價值觀,也是我長久留在這間公司的重要原因。」


Franice Chiam:「公司的管理層對公司價值觀的承諾非常明顯且重要,他們給予我們所需的支持和鼓勵,讓我們也能夠實踐這些價值觀。當我想到自己想在職涯上實現何種目標時,我希望能夠讓社會變得更好、貢獻自我的力量並創造更多價值。這就是為什麼我能參與其中,並期許百靈佳殷格翰在這個領域努力不懈。」



A global team with a common purpose

With roots going back to the 19th century, Boehringer Ingelheim has been transforming lives for generations. Today, that legacy inspires the careers and daily work of the more than 53,000 employees around the world who are integral to the company’s success. Here, via a video call, two of those team members share their insights. Though they represent different generations and geographies, and are at different points in their professional journeys, their conversation reveals that they share similar values and a concern for a sustainable future for the generations still to come.

Aude joined Boehringer Ingelheim in 1985, straight out of university when she was 22 years old. There was no email, no smartphone, no GPS navigation. It was a different world

Reims, France,
8 a.m.
Aude Edmond
Head of Pharmacovigilance and Medical Information


“Despite working for the same company for so many years, I have always looked for new certifications opportunities to advance my career: marketing, statistics, public health, audits and finally pharmacovigilance.”

Franice, who has a 4-year-old son, joined Boehringer Ingelheim in June 2021. With the pandemic in full swing, for the first three months she only saw her team and boss online.

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia,
3 p.m.
Franice Chiam 
Executive Assistant

“There’s a real family atmosphere at our site in Malaysia. That helped me get my bearings during that difficult initial period. I’m now back in the office, although I fortunately also have the option of working from home. It’s a pleasure to work for a company that also focuses on the well-being of current and future generations. And to me as a mother that has become very important.”


Aude Edmond

“I agree. My father died five years ago, and I recently became a grandmother. I’m more aware than ever of how important it is to foster close links between the generations. We all need to take the time to listen to one another and learn from one another, in both our personal and our professional lives.”

Franice Chiam

“I also find rewarding that the company is committed to sustainability and future generations and the values that are important to me. Boehringer Ingelheim may be the third German company that I have worked for but it’s the first one to be actively focused on these topics.”

Franice Chiam

“And when it comes to sustainability activities, I think even small contributions count. For example, we try to avoid waste in the office and consider sustainability issues when we select suppliers. In my region, Boehringer Ingelheim has launched an initiative called B-Effect. Our theme for this year is to create awareness about reducing the use of disposable plastic. Globally, the company has also been working with Ashoka, a renowned non-profit organization, on various programs that aim to improve the lives of communities in underprivileged parts of the world.”


“Passing on our knowledge and experience is incredibly important.“

Aude Edmond


Aude Edmond

“When speaking about sustainability and generations, passing on our knowledge and experience is also incredibly important. And it’s something that I am specifically focused on at the moment. I could retire in about two years, so we’re currently discussing what the team will look like when I leave, who will take on my responsibilities, and what I want to pass on to them.”

Franice Chiam

“And have you heard about the initiatives that Boehringer Ingelheim does for the mental health of its employees? Here, we hold regular meetings to get a better understanding of what the employees need, and to raise awareness of the subject of mental health. I know that every business needs to make a profit, but I’m impressed by how much Boehringer Ingelheim gives back.”

Aude Edmond

“True, there are lots of opportunities for the employees to get involved and play a part. In France, the company gives us ten days a year to work for good causes as part of the “Boehringer Ingelheim Solidaires” program. I recently helped young people with limited access to the labor market apply for jobs. All contributions you make help you develop as a person, as well. I always advise my team to use every opportunity that Boehringer Ingelheim gives them to develop.”

Aude Edmond

“I know the company very well and have witnessed its transformation over the past decades. I am very proud that Boehringer Ingelheim has never followed, but instead has been leading the way in many areas. And the company’s values were an important reason why I stayed with the company so long.”


“During my career, I want to contribute and create more value in making society a better place.”

Franice Chiam


Franice Chiam

“What’s really important and apparent is that the management is fully committed to the company’s values. They give us the support and encouragement we need to live out these values as well. When I think about what I would like to achieve in my career, I want to contribute and create more value in making society a better place. That’s why I hope that Boehringer Ingelheim will continue its efforts in this area and that I can be a part of them.”

