研究|分子生物學的未來 The unfolding story of molecular biology


來自40多個國家中的280多位科學家在IMP位於維也納的研究機構進行分子生物學的研究,包括對基因組的研究。在這段影片中,IMP的科學主管Jan-Michael Peters、簡任博士後研究員Iain Davidson和前博士候補Luisa Hill共同深入介紹他們的最新的研究工作。




The unfolding story of molecular biology


The human genome may be nearly two meters long, but it fits inside the nucleus of a cell. That’s possible because of the complex folding of the DNA. Scientists at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna are investigating how this folding works and what significance it may hold for the immune system. These and other IMP inquiries in basic biomedical research, primarily sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim, may lead to future medical breakthroughs.





More than 280 scientists from over 40 countries investigate fundamental questions of molecular biology at IMP’s Vienna operation — including the genome research. In this video, the Scientific Director of the IMP, Jan-Michael Peters, together with senior postdoc Iain Davidson and former doctoral candidate Luisa Hill, provide insights into their cutting-edge work.

