動物保健|寵物老了,需要什麼?──照顧年邁寵物的秘訣 Ensuring a better life for our longer-lived pets




「在過去幾年中,寵物的壽命顯著的增加了,這是一個巨大的變化。」百靈佳殷格翰的寵物治療和寵物疫苗部門主管Erich Schött說道。舉例來說,家貓現在的壽命已經是野貓的兩倍長。













「我們用創新的方法改變了許多寵物和人們的生活,現在我們期待繼續在這條道路上獲取更大的成就。」-Erich Schött,百靈佳殷格翰的寵物治療和寵物疫苗部門主管(Head of Pet Therapeutics and Pet Vaccines)。


2020年,百靈佳殷格翰收購了一家具開拓性的公司:Global Stem Cell Technology,現被稱為Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Medicine Belgium。該單位致力於間質幹細胞治療的研究,這些療法具有對抗各種炎症和自體免疫性疾病(如骨科問題)的潛力。百靈佳殷格翰的其他團隊也在探索將幹細胞治療的應用擴展到其他疾病領域中。








Ensuring a better life for our longer-lived pets


A long walk, a special treat or a good cuddle session — loving care is important for pets, especially as they grow older. Boehringer Ingelheim supports people in ensuring their pets’ health, with a broad portfolio of medicines and forward-looking research.

Cats and dogs are often considered important companions and, so, enjoy a correspondingly high standard of living — in prosperous countries, at least. That means these pets are with us longer than they used to be.

“There has been a huge increase in the life expectancy of pets in the past few years,” explains Erich Schött, Head of Pet Therapeutics and Pet Vaccines at Boehringer Ingelheim. House cats, for example, are now living twice as long as their feral cousins.

The trend, of course, means that caring for pets now goes beyond providing the nutrition and preventive healthcare that are responsible for that longevity. It means offering the care and disease management that elderly cats and dogs are likely to require.


Boehringer Ingelheim supports veterinarians in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.


Age-specific care

What people may not realize when they decide to take in a pet is that the animal’s needs change with age. With a longer life expectancy, pets can experience similar age-related ailments that humans do — including heart, kidney and liver disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis and cancer.


Many of these diseases are treatable, and the same principle applies as for humans — the earlier the diagnosis occurs and treatment begins, the better the outlook. Take diabetes as an example: With the help of a healthy diet and the right medication, blood sugar levels normalize, the symptoms associated with the disease improve, and the pet’s quality of life increases significantly.


Veterinarians, of course, play a key role in the health of aging pets — and not just when problems arise. It’s the veterinarian’s job to make pet owners aware of potential health concerns in advance, to educate them and to advise them. Boehringer Ingelheim works closely with veterinarians in the areas of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.


The right treatment can significantly improve the wellbeing of aged pets — and thus that of their owners, as Mr. Schött can attest. “Our cat is 12 years old and has chronic kidney failure,” Mr. Schött said. “We were very worried about her. But with the right therapeutic measures, she turned back into her old self. She’s even successfully hunting mice again!”



Heart disease and its treatment can be similar in both humans and animals. Learn More.



“We have already used innovative solutions and approaches to change the lives of many pets and people for the better. Now, we are looking forward to continuing that path and achieving much more.”

Erich Schött,


Head of Pet Therapeutics and Pet Vaccines at Boehringer Ingelheim


In 2020, Boehringer Ingelheim acquired a trailblazing company: Global Stem Cell Technology, now known as Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Medicine Belgium. The unit is researching therapies based on mesenchymal stem cells, which have the potential to fight a variety of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as orthopedic problems. Other teams at Boehringer Ingelheim are exploring the potential to expand the use of stem cell treatments to other areas of disease.


Last year, Boehringer Ingelheim began a research collaboration with the biopharmaceutical company CarthroniX to work on new small molecules that might combat cancer in dogs.


Boehringer Ingelheim also collaborates with several other biopharmaceutical companies in the area of monoclonal therapeutic antibodies. Invetx, for example, is a Boston-based pioneer in therapies based on monoclonal antibodies for pet health. Monoclonal antibody therapies are a type of targeted immune treatment that mimics cells’ natural defenses. Already used to treat many different diseases in humans, monoclonal antibody science holds great potential for pet health care as well.


“We have already used innovative solutions and approaches to change the lives of many pets and people for the better,” Mr. Schött says, “and we want to continue to give pet owners even more years of quality time with their beloved animals.”

