

有群人在位於開闊草原中央的白色大亭子前排隊。隊伍緩緩向前移動,許多人四處張望,試著猜測要花多長時間才會輪到他們。對很多人來說,為了抵達這裡,已經花上他們數個小時的旅程。眾人的目的地是位於盧安達吉佳利(Kigali)的非傳染性疾病( non-communicable diseases,NCD)篩檢站。工作站的亭子內,醫護人員正在進行抽取血液樣本、量血壓等工作。對許多患者來說,這是間隔非常長時間之後的第一次檢查。

在資源匱乏環境下生活的患者面臨許多障礙,例如:預防性醫療措施匱乏、缺少醫療保險、醫療基礎建設不足或醫藥供應短缺等問題。需要極大的網絡及平台才能消除或減少醫療障礙,拯救更多的生命;政府、NGO 組織、研究網絡和醫療保健公司因此合作,攜手打造涵蓋範疇寬廣的支持系統。

面對持續發生的健康危機,百靈佳殷格翰不斷強化具有永續性的合作關係,包含與聯合國培訓調查研究所(United Nations Institute for Training and Research)、世界衛生組織(WHO)以及戰勝非傳染性疾病合作組織(Defeat-NCD Partnership) 的結盟,並持續招募更多成員,一起努力。

自 2019 年起,百靈佳殷格翰與戰勝非傳染性疾病合作組織(Defeat-NCD Partnership)進行合作,為盧安達和緬甸的衛生部提供支援,進而啟動因應心血管、新陳代謝、癌症和呼吸系統等健康醫療議題的國家級非傳染性疾病(NCDs)行動計畫。

到2022年和2025年,緬甸將有超過 1,100 萬人、盧安達有超過 480 萬人能由這些計畫獲益。這樣的合作關係將於 2021 年擴大,支援甘比亞(Gambia)、尼泊爾、不丹、印度、厄瓜多(Ecuador)和加勒比(Caribbean)地區國家,這是十年支援 90 個國家行動方案的子計畫之一。



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戰勝非傳染性疾病合作組織(Defeat-NCD Partnership) 是一個以聯合國系統為基礎的公司部門結盟關係,致力於實踐聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)第 3、4 項,藉由預防和治療促進心理健康、促進人類福祉,到 2030 年可望將因 NCD 疾病導致的過早死亡,減少三分之一。








A group of people is queuing in front of large white pavilions set up in the middle of an open grassland space. As the line moves ahead, many of them look around, trying to think about how long it will take until it is their turn. For many of them, getting here meant they had to travel for hours. Their common destination is a screening station for non-communicable diseases (NCDs), in Kigali, Rwanda. Underneath the pavilions, healthcare workers are extracting blood samples and measuring blood pressure, amongst other things. For many patients, it is the first screening in a long time.

Patients living in low-resource settings face many barriers, such as lack of prevention and health insurance coverage, an insufficient healthcare infrastructure, or supply issues. Saving lives by removing or reducing obstacles requires involving a wide range of supporters, ranging from governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), to contributor networks and healthcare companies.

In the face of ongoing health crises, Boehringer Ingelheim has continuously intensified its support for sustainable multilateral partnerships. This includes efforts alongside the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, the World Health Organization, and other members of the Defeat-NCD Partnership.

Since 2019, the Defeat-NCD Partnership has provided support to the Ministries of Health in Rwanda and Myanmar, resulting in the launch of national action plans for NCDs that address cardiovascular, metabolic, cancer, and respiratory health challenges.

Over 11 million people in Myanmar and 4.8 million people in Rwanda will gain access by 2022 and 2025, respectively. In 2021, the partnership will scale up support in Gambia, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Ecuador, and Caribbean countries, as part of its phased roll-out across 90 countries over the course of the decade.

The success shows that partnerships can lead to comprehensive, long-term solutions for patients in need. The partners provide support and funding, share risks, and optimize processes, thereby establishing an adequate framework of financially sustainable models for improved access to care.

As night falls in Kigali, the last patients are being screened for today. While many are in good health, some were diagnosed with a condition they were unaware of until now. But having been here today opened a path to receive the care they need.


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The Defeat-NCD Partnership is a public-private partner- ship anchored in the United Nations system. It acts to- ward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 to reduce premature mortality from NCDs by one third by 2030, through pre- vention and treatment and the promotion of mental health and well-being.



