S5. E20. 帶薪投入對抗 COVID-19的行列 OUR VOLUNTEERS


百靈佳殷格翰的員工致力於為人類服務的精神,沒有上下班時段之分。許多同仁在對抗 COVID-19 的戰役中展現極大的奉獻精神。一起看看來自世界各地,五個鼓舞人心的真實故事。


【西班牙】Rosa Morell – 手工縫製口罩


西班牙受到COVID-19疫情的嚴重影響,各城市的確診數相當多,Rosa Morell的家鄉 Valencia 就是其一。Morell 在百靈佳殷格翰擔任業務代表,近年來培養出縫紉的休閒習慣。2020年3月,瓦倫西亞(Valencia)出現首例COVID-19確診案例時,縫紉課的老師問學員們,是否願意縫製口罩。Morell 說:「這對我們來說完全不是問題,縫紉是我們的專長!」他們分成三個不同的組:「一組裁剪布料、鬆緊帶,另一組負責縫製,第三組則是負責運送。」至目前為止,這些勤勞的裁縫們已經縫製了約 100,000 個口罩,供給診所、慈善機構、消防部門和警察單位使用。Rosa Morell 說:「疫情出現時,我很想幫忙,卻不知道從哪開始。但一開工(做口罩),我就停不下來了!」Morell 以瓦倫西亞市長授予他們縫紉團隊的榮譽勳章為榮。


【美國】Robb Kociol – 幫助施打 COVID-19 疫苗

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Robb Kociol 是一名醫生。2020年春天時,紐約市的 COVID-19 傳染率上升,幾乎是世界之冠。身為百靈佳殷格翰的執行董事兼醫學專家,Robb Kociol 即時伸出援手。他在一間大醫院輪班工作,每日 13 小時;百靈佳殷格翰讓他帶薪休假。他和其他醫生以及護理人員,一起協助治療 COVID-19 重症加護病房的患者。 Kociol 說:「這對我來說是非常重要、意義深遠的事情。紐約的情況非常令人擔憂,但我有預感,我知道自己能有所貢獻。」 從 2021 年 1 月開始,他一直以志工的身份協助 COVID-19 疫苗施打工作,為首批的第一線醫護人員增加保護,即使在週末也從未停止。 Kociol 說:「這是一項非常有成就感的任務!」






【印度】Sanjay Gulani — 食物分配

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Sanjay Gulani 在古加拉特邦( Gujarat)阿默達巴德(Ahmedabad)擔任區業務經理。他很小的時候就從父母身上學到了社會參與的重要性:「我的父母在我小時候就教育我:人們應該互相支持。」他已經與非營利組織 Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB)合作一段時間。RSSB 為有需要的人提供食物,阿默達巴德是RSSB開始提供食物的實施地點之一。 Gulani 在阿默達巴德的團隊支援。RSSB原本一天配送 5,000個糧食包,在 COVID-19 疫情蔓延期間,改為每日配送約 45,000 個食物箱。自疫情發生以來,Gulani 每個週末都在 RSSB 支援;他說:「當上天賦予我們協助他人的機會,我們就應該好好把握。」






【挪威】Anne Hunstad — 在醫院病房支援

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當 COVID-19 於 2020 年 4 月開始在挪威傳播,醫療保健系統的壓力逐日增加時,一名合格的加護病房醫護人員Anne Hunstad知道,她想回到醫療診所貢獻己力。在加入百靈佳殷格翰之前,她在奧斯陸( Oslo)的醫院服務多年。因為挪威醫護人員短缺,她想在危機發生期間支援以前的同事們。 Hunstad 解釋說:「要兩名醫護專業人員同時作業,才能為 COVID-19 患者完成呼吸插管。」 2020 年春季時,她有 80% 的時間是在醫院度過,其餘的 20% 則是擔任百靈佳殷格翰的護理教育訓練師。重返醫院的最初幾週對她來說非常煎熬,承擔了非常多的情緒壓力,因為她負責照護隔離中的患者。穿著全套防護裝備工作,比她所預想的更緊張。Hunstad 說:「當患者的病情有所改善時,可以清楚地感受到,這些辛苦的工作是會有回報的!」當 2020 年 11 月疫情再次蔓延,確診人數再次急遽上升時,她毫不猶豫的回到醫院。





【澳洲】Anika Kuehling — 長者陪伴

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Anika Kuehling 在百靈佳殷格翰擔任醫院業務代表。大約兩年前,Kuehling 遇到了兩名來自墨爾本養老院的長者Albina 和 Hildegard,他們在城裡沒有朋友,也沒有家人,時常感到孤獨。 Kuehling 說:「我沒辦法不去想,當我在那個年齡時,獨處是什麼感覺。」她決定每週拜訪女士們一次,陪她們喝咖啡、吃下午茶,並成為她們生活中重要的一份子。

Hildegard 於去年過世,Albina 比過去更需要她的年輕朋友。在澳洲,因為 COVID-19 疫情,大家都必須保持社交距離,不能實地探訪親友,這對忘年之交依然一起喝茶、吃蛋糕(在螢幕前,用視訊下午茶)。 Kuehling 說:「疫情對長者的打擊非常大;他們本來就已經沒有太多的親朋好友會去拜訪他們,大家都住在遠方。」她們的聊天時光,通常是Albina 一週中最期待的事。對 Kuehling 而言也是如此,她說:「我從像 Albina 這樣經歷人生百味的長者身上學到很多,她常常讓我恍然大悟,很多我的煩惱真的只是小問題罷了。」



全球一起對抗 COVID-19 疫情 百靈佳殷格翰藉由全球支援計劃,協助世界各地的醫療機構及社區對抗COVID-19。 全球支援計劃分為四個不同的主題:


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百靈佳殷格翰已決定注入580,000歐元予Making More Health網絡使用;MMH健康促進網絡平台,乃是由肯亞及印度的社會企業家以及社群組織共同組成。



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百靈佳殷格翰正在研究治療 COVID-19 的潛在醫療方案,並參與如COVID-19 冠狀病毒歐洲加速研發聯盟(Corona Accelerated R&D in Europe,CARE)以及比爾暨梅琳達蓋茲基金會(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)推動的 COVID-19治療加速器(COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator)行動。





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志工在許多地方社區發揮重要的功能。百靈佳殷格翰為全球約 52,000位員工提供最多 10 天的帶薪休假,與外部單位聯手對抗 COVID-19。迄今已准許全球共 187 名員工,500 天的帶薪休假




Boehringer Ingelheim employees are committed to their fellow human beings – at work and in their free time. Many colleagues have also shown great dedication in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Five inspiring examples from around the world.





Spain has been seriously affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been a particularly high number of cases in the country’s cities – such as Valencia, the hometown of Rosa Morell. She works as Sales Representative at Boehringer Ingelheim and has taken sewing classes for a few years now as a leisure activity. When the first COVID-19 cases occurred in Valencia in March 2020, the course instructor asked the participants whether they would like to sew protective masks. “That was no problem for us, we are all good at sewing,” says Morell. They divided up into three different groups: "One group cuts up pieces of cloth and rubber bands, another sews the masks, and a third group delivers them," Morell explains. These hardworking seamstresses have thus sewed around 100,000 masks to date: for clinics, for the Caritas charitable organization, for the fire department, and for the police. “When COVID-19 appeared, I wanted to help and didn’t know how,” says Morell. “But once I got started sewing masks, I couldn’t stop.” Morell is particularly proud that the mayor of Valencia has awarded her sewing group the city’s Medal of Honor.


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Robb Kociol is a physician. In the spring of 2020, when the infection rate in New York City shot up faster than almost anywhere else in the world, Kociol, who works as Executive Director and Medical Expert at Boehringer Ingelheim rushed to help. He worked 13-hour shifts in a large hospital, for which Boehringer Ingelheim gave him paid time off. Together with other physicians and nurses, he helped treat patients in the COVID-19 intensive care unit. “It meant a great deal to me,” Kociol tells us. “The situation in New York was extremely shocking, but I had the feeling that I could really make a positive contribution.” And he continues to do so – but now in his free time on the weekends. Since the beginning of January 2021, he has been providing support for COVID-19 vaccinations, and, as a volunteer, he vaccinated some of the first health professionals who signed up. “It is a very fulfilling task,” says Kociol.


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Sanjay Gulani learned about the importance of social engagement from his parents at a young age. “My parents taught me as a child that people should support one another,” says Gulani, who works as an Area Sales Manager in Ahmedabad, Gujarat State. He has been working with the non-profit organization Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB), which provides food for the needy, for quite some time. The city of Ahmedabad was one of the locations where RSSB started with the food packages. Gulani supports the team there. During the COVID-19 pandemic, RSSB has been delivering around 45,000 packages instead of 5,000 food rations per day. Since the start of the crisis, Gulani has spent every weekend supporting the RSSB team. “If life offers us the opportunity to help others, then we should do so,” he says.


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When COVID-19 began to spread in Norway in April 2020 and the pressure on the healthcare system steadily increased, the qualified intensive care nurse Anne Hunstad knew that she wanted to return to the health clinic. Before joining Boehringer Ingelheim, she had spent many years at a hospital in the Oslo region. She now wanted to support her former colleagues during the crisis because there is a shortage of personnel in Norwegian hospitals. “Two specialists are required in order to ventilate a COVID-19 patient,” says Hunstad. In the spring of 2020, she spent 80 percent of her time at the hospital and 20 percent as a nurse educator at Boehringer Ingelheim. The first few weeks at the hospital were highly emotional for her: She looked after patients who were not allowed to have any contact with the outside world. Working in full protection gear was more of a strain than she had expected. She was forced to watch a sick person die of COVID-19. Nonetheless, it is important for Hunstad to remain optimistic. “As we watch a patient’s condition improve, we can see how our hard work is paying off,” she remarks. When the number of COVID-19 patients rose sharply again in November 2020, she resumed her service at the hospital without hesitation.

“As we watch a patient’s condition improve, we can see how our hard work is paying off.”



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Anika Kuehling met Albina and Hildegard – two senior citizens from a retirement home in Melbourne – nearly two years ago. They both had no friends and no family left in the city and often felt lonely. “I myself have long been thinking about what it’s like to be alone at that age,” says Kuehling, who works as a Hospital Sales Representative for Boehringer Ingelheim. She decided to visit the ladies once a week for coffee and cake and became an important part of their lives. Hildegard passed away last fall at age 94, and Albina probably needs her young friend Anika now more than ever. In Australia, person- al visits were put on ice for several months due to COVID-19. Nevertheless, they still continued to enjoy coffee together – in front of screens, connected via video call. “The pandemic is hit- ting old people hardest, since they frequently no longer have any friends or relatives or else they live a long way away,” says Kuehling. Their conversation is frequently the highlight of Albina’s week. It is not just the senior who looks forward to the conversation. Kuehling says she can learn a lot from older people like Albina who have experienced so much in their lives. “She often shows me that my own problems are only minor ones.”



With its global support program, Boehringer Ingelheim is helping healthcare institutions and communities worldwide to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is based on four different pillars:


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Boehringer Ingelheim is contributing 7 million euros in cash donations and donations in kind to the global fight against the pandemic.





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Boehringer Ingelheim has committed 580,000 euros to a relief fund in support of its global “Making More Health” network, which consists of social entrepreneurs and their communities in Kenya and India.




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Boehringer Ingelheim is re- searching potential therapies for COVID-19 patients. The company is also participating in international initiatives such as the CARE consortium and the Therapeutics Accelerator of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.





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Volunteers play an important role in many communities. Boehringer Ingelheim is offering its around 52,000 employees worldwide the opportunity to take up to ten days of fully paid leave in order to assist external organizations in their fight against COVID-19.




