積極主動的同仁,是百靈佳殷格翰成功的關鍵。這也是百靈佳殷格翰最近成立新部門的原因;該部門負責處理企業文化以及與「人」有關的各種議題。百靈佳殷格翰企業文化與人力策略部門主管 Heiko Schmidt 說明了百靈佳殷格翰是如何鼓勵同仁進修、發展,並積極爭取成為最優秀的菁英人才。

Heiko Schmidt 於 2017 年加入百靈佳殷格翰,最初擔任 BI X 數位創新實驗室負責人。在此之前,這位經濟學家已擔任管理顧問多年。


請問 Heiko,您和「企業文化與人力策略」同事們,有哪些任務目標?




公司的執行策略和文化必須緊密結合,公司才能獲得成功。除了業務策略,全面的執行計畫也包含人力資源策略,這對公司的長期發展非常重要。因此,以「企業文化與人力策略」為宗旨的團隊,在 2020 年2月納入為百靈佳殷格翰的部門之一。我們能與策略部門的同事一起討論待執行的計畫,一起修正執行內容、流程,也能互相溝通,同時為以「企業文化與人力策略」主題的策略計畫提供跨部門的支援。






其中一個關鍵主題,就是以百靈佳殷格翰身為雇主的吸引力,為公司招募並留住更多人才。身為一間超過 51,000 員工的全球企業,我們必須說服許多精英人才考慮加入我們。如今,這主要是藉由強而有力的企業品牌知名度來實現的。直白的說,百靈佳殷格翰必須引人注目,並且與眾不同,求職者才會選擇我們。身為雇主,家族企業的背景是我們的特色,我們因此更能執行更長程的規劃,同時,我們優秀的研究人員,過去數十年來都在致力於研究創新藥物,這些藥物能改變患者的生活,我們發展企業品牌的重點之一即是更強調我們的優勢。



Satisfied and motivated employees are a crucial factor for the success of Boehringer Ingelheim. That is why the company recently founded a new department that deals entirely with the strategic perspective regarding culture and people topics. Heiko Schmidt, Head of Culture and People Strategy at the company, explains how Boehringer Ingelheim promotes employee development and how it succeeds in competing for the best talent.

Heiko Schmidt joined Boehringer Ingelheim in 2017, initially as Head of the Digital Laboratory BI X. Before that, the economist had worked as a management consultant for many years.


Heiko, what kind of tasks do you and your colleagues in “Culture and People Strategy” take on?

Our main task as a department is to contribute to a successful implementation of our corporate strategy. We do this by identifying the relevant skills we need for the future, attracting and retaining the right talent, and fostering our unique corporate culture.


Why is your team part of the strategy department?

A company’s strategy and culture must go hand in hand for the company to be successful. In addition to the business strategies, a comprehensive strategic plan also includes the people strategy. This is important for the long term success of the company. For these reasons, the topics of culture and people strategy were integrated into the corporate division in February 2020. This enables us to work closely with our colleagues in this area on the central strategic planning and steering processes, while at the same time providing cross- functional support for the strategic initiatives that affect our topics.


What are the decisive steps here?

It is crucial for us to remain in constant exchange with many of the company’s divisions. This is the only way we can live our common culture and achieve a future-oriented people strategy. As a department, we act as an interface. Boehringer Ingelheim is a very large organization and has developed with great momentum in recent years. It is a very exciting challenge to be part of this development.


Can you give us a concrete example?

A key topic for us is our attractiveness as an employer in order to attract and retain talent for the company. We are a global company with over 51,000 employees, and we have to convince many highly qualified applicants to consider joining us. These days, that is mainly done through strong employer branding. In plain language, it means that Boehringer Ingelheim needs to be visible and distinctive so that applicants choose us. As an employer, we are characterized by being a family business and the fact that we can plan for the long term. At the same time, our excellent researchers have been working for decades on innovative medicines which can make a difference in patients’ lives. One of the goals of our employer branding is to highlight these strengths of our company even more.


