人類製藥供應及全球品質控管負責人 Torsten Mau 博士表示:「百靈佳殷格翰的人類製藥全球生產網絡,為患者提供可靠並穩定的藥物供給。」


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「只有同心合作,我們才會堅強壯大,我們需要緊密的網絡,以及互相幫助的彈性。這適用於百靈佳殷格翰的每一個廠區,包含生物製藥生產,以及其他對製藥有重要貢獻的產品,例如:ACTILYSE®和 PRAXBIND®,也適用於為我們提供活性化學成分與產品的外部生產商。我們與每個人都保持密切的交流互動。」

「我們不斷檢視,審查我們的製造流程。呼吸系統藥物OFEV® 抑肺纖就是一個很好的示範例子;全球有愈來愈多的患者需要我們生產的產品,所以我們決定擴大生產,增開第二個生產廠區,以求能最大程度的降低風險,並能永續地保持我們的供應能力。」





Boehringer Ingelheim’s global production network for Human Pharma ensures a reliable supply for patients, explains Dr. Torsten Mau, Head of Human Pharma Supply & Global Quality.

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“We deliberately established a global production network with sites on four continents in order to decentralize the tasks and therefore also spread out the sup- ply risks to the highest possible extent. Producing in only one region or at one site would entail a higher risk; should problems arise there, the entire security of supply would immediately be compromised. We therefore opted to take a different path that has proven to be successful during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Our site in Mexico faced major challenges in 2020. For instance, the country was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Employees from other sites were immediately on hand with help and advice; at the same time, we reduced production volumes in Mexico and increased them at other sites – in Germany, for example.”

“We are only strong when we work together. We need close networking and the flexibility to help each other. This applies to all Boehringer Ingelheim sites, including the biopharmaceutical production and its important contribution to our products, such as ACTILYSE® and PRAXBIND®. But also for external producers who supply us with active chemical ingredients and products. We maintain a close exchange with all of them.”

“We constantly review our processes. For example, with our respiratory medicine OFEV®, we have a product that is needed by more and more patients all over the world. This is why we decided to expand production to include a second site in order to minimize risks and to be able to permanently safeguard our ability to supply.”

“It is clear that we must always maintain a certain reserve of ingredients and medicines to offset sudden changes in production and sales. We monitor our stocks closely to be able to react promptly if we need to.”



