數位時代為寵物飼主與獸醫帶來新的機會。美國已經證明自己是創新數位產品的優秀測試市場。 最新的範例是 PetPro Connect:一個使用者友善的應用程式及網路平台。



圖說:PetPro Connect 是未來寵物醫療保健急需的數位服務。


PetPro Connect平台成立的關鍵出發點,是藉由應用程式以及可攜式平台,將寵物飼主與獸醫串連,雙方進行有效率的合作。

PetPro Connect 最初是由百靈佳殷格翰的 BI X 數位實驗室開發,於 2018 年進入美國市場,最初以亞特蘭大都會區作為試點計劃的一部分。但,隨著COVID-19在全球的蔓延,試點計劃隨之快速的啟動。百靈佳殷格翰美國動物保健部門數位研發總監 Heath Wilkes 為我們說明了實際的決策過程:「COVID-19 改變了一切,獸醫看診預約紛紛被取消,我們需要一個數位化的解決方案,因此,在24小時內,我們對全國進行了一場直播。」

PetPro Connect是保持社交距離時期的快速解決方案。該應用程式的功能包含:訊息發送、在線預約、日程安排、共享醫療紀錄以及遠端醫療諮詢。

應用程式內的「RX refills」功能,讓寵物主人可以直接線上跟診所訂購藥物。最重要的是,獸醫可以運用 PetPro Connect 開設線上動物醫院。這就是關鍵,讓 PetPro Connect 可以同時成為寵物主人、寵物保健品牌及獸醫師的全方位工具。

美國喬治亞州羅斯威爾區(Lawrenceville)的 Russell Ridge 動物醫院的獸醫師即表示:「PetPro Connect 讓我們能持續提供非常優質的服務,同時也藉由虛擬護理治療方案,讓我們與客戶之間建立更穩健的關係。」

自 PetPro Connect 推出以來,這個應用程式已經成為動物保健發展最快的計畫之一,平台上有超過1,200家動物醫院,有1,000,000隻以上的寵物獲得專業護理, PetPro Connect的成功毫不令人意外。

為了近一步加快 PetPro Connect 等動物保健數位方案的研發速度,百靈佳殷格翰於2021年2月成立了動物保健業務部門的獨立公司:Pawru, Inc.。



The digital age presents new opportunities to pet owners and veterinarians. The United States have proven to be a good testing market for innovation digital products. PetPro Connect, a userfriendly app and web portal, is the newest example.


PetPro Connect is a much needed digital solution for next generation pet healthcare.


Providing effective collaboration between pet owners and veterinarians by linking them via an app and a mobile-based platform forms the key principle of PetPro Connect.

Originally developed by BI X, the digital laboratory of Boehringer Ingelheim, PetPro Connect was introduced to the US market in 2018, first as part of a pilot program in metropolitan Atlanta. But with the worldwide spread of COVID-19, this pilot program took off on the fast track. Heath Wilkes, Director of Digital Health for the company’s United States Animal Health business, explains hands-on decision-making: “COVID-19 changed everything. Appointments to veterinarians were cancelled. We needed a digital solution. So, within 24 hours, we went live nationwide.”

PetPro Connect serves as a convenient solution in times of social distancing and beyond. Features include a messenger service, online appointments and scheduling, shareable medical records, and telemedicine consultations.

The in-app program “RX refills” enables pet owners to order medicine online, directly from the clinic. On top of that, veterinarians can use PetPro Connect as a web-based portal. This is why PetPro Connect is a true allrounder for pet owners, pet care brands – and veterinarians, such as Russell Ridge Animal Hospital, in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA: “PetPro Connect enables us to continue to provide our exceptional service while building stronger relationships with our clients through adding virtual care,” confirms a veterinarian of the Russell Ridge Animal Hospital. It is therefore not surprising that the app is a success story: Since its nation-wide launch, PetPro Connect has become the fastest growing solution in the space, with over 1,000,000 pets on platform expertly cared for at over 1,200 clinics. In order to further accelerate the development of digital solutions for Animal Health, such as PetPro Connect, Boehringer Ingelheim created Pawru, Inc. in February 2021. It is a separate company within the Animal Health business unit.


