S5. E10. 透過疾病地圖,瞄準未被滿足的醫療需求提供突破性服務 ACHIEVING NEXT GENERATION ANIMAL HEALTH







百靈佳殷格翰以疾病(及疾病相關症狀)為中心,專注於伴侶動物和經濟動物的疾病,創造更多機會,處理未被滿足的醫療需求;同時開創人類製藥與動物保健之間,尚未被發掘的協同效益。有 2/3 的新興人類傳染病是人類與動物共通的疾病,且是由動物傳播給人類。因此,百靈佳殷格翰希望在預防和治療領域,皆能持續取得進展。這種跨領域的人類製藥及動物保健協作取向非常特別,讓百靈佳殷格翰自多數競爭對手中脫穎而出。這種思維模式的發展,其實是水到渠成;如執行董事會成員之一Jean Scheftsik de Szolnok 所說:「運用這種跨領域的方法取向,我們可以藉由創新展現價值,並提高人類與動物雙方的福祉。」

過去幾年間,有許多創新及成功的產品因協同效益的加乘問世。例如,百靈佳殷格翰於 2018 年推出的SEMINTRA® 腎比達;腎比達獲准於幫助控制貓的全身性高血壓,而此藥物原本使用血管收縮素II型接受器抑制劑(Angiotensin II receptor antagonist)— 是與MICARDIS® 藥劑相同的活性化合物,用於治療人類原發性高血壓。有這些有效控制高血壓的工具,不僅人類,伴侶動物也能提升生活品質,生命也能延續更久。未來,將會加速推動這類具有協同效益的研究發展。


疾病地圖(disease map)

這些協同效益並非偶然發生。做為以研究為導向的企業,百靈佳殷格翰遍佈全球的研發網絡是創新的動力來源。百靈佳殷格翰動物事業 業務部研發總監 Eric Haaksma 說道:「未來,我們希望在那些未被滿足的醫療領域發現、開發並提供突破性療法。」為因應此策略,百靈佳殷格翰於2020年啟動進行轉型創新策略。轉型過程以疾病地圖(disease map)作為發展指標 — 能依地區將其主要物種和疾病,提供全面性概述的工具。疾病地圖為創新方案的開發奠定基礎,成為研究發展工作的基礎,研究人員能釐清疫苗、寄生蟲藥物及治療方案的關注重點。疾病地圖就像指南針一樣,引導科學家們朝新的方向邁進。至 2020 年底,疾病地圖的初版已包含近 2,500 種已確認的疾病。




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除了這些內部發展方案,百靈佳殷格翰相信,透過合作關係共享創新成果,能帶來更具開創、突破性的解決方案。2009年9月,百靈佳殷格翰收購了曾合作的新瑞鵬伴侶動物醫療集團(NRP Group,在中國地區經營數位化及臨床伴侶動物服務)的股權。百靈佳殷格翰中國動物保健事業總監David Gocken 為這個演變做了說明:「可以肯定的是,我們可以更快速地為中國的伴侶動物市場帶來更多創新發展,在這個充滿活力以及快速發展的市場中,我們致力於擴大我們的正面影響力。」另一個藉由收購進入新階段的策略合作夥伴是比利時獸醫生物技術公司Global Stem cell Technology(簡稱GST)

(全球幹細胞技術,請見<人類製藥與動物保健間跨領域的合作計畫 >)。

2020年10月,百靈佳殷格翰宣布與 Henke-Sass(德國醫療技術供應商)成立合作夥伴關係。與 Henke-Sass 的合作,已經促成創新的豬隻疫苗無針肌肉注射工具研究計畫。



董事會成員 — 動物保健領域

Jean Scheftsik de Szolnok



As a leading provider of animal healthcare, Boehringer Ingelheim supports veterinarians, pet and livestock owners, and public health officials around the world. The company builds on a dedicated global R&D network, the synergies with Human Pharma and external partnerships.



The lives of humans and animals are interconnected in complex ways.



Arthritis, diabetes, hypertension. Many people know a loved one who suffers from one of these diseases. Thanks to innovative pharmaceutical products, their lives are improved. At the same time, cats and dogs are increasingly coping with these diseases, too. Boehringer Ingelheim addresses these unmet medical needs by focusing on disease- and system-centric approaches. By doing so, the company creates opportunities to address disease conditions in larger populations and across species, encompassing both pets and livestock animals, while also revealing un- tapped synergies between Human Pharma and Animal Health. Zoonosis shows how important these connections are: Two thirds of the emerging human infectious diseases are zoonotic, passed from animals to humans. Boehringer Ingelheim therefore expects continuing advances in both prevention and treatment. This interdisciplinary approach to both Human Phar- ma and Animal Health is unique and sets the company apart from most competitors. How- ever, this mindset is rather natural, as Jean Scheftsik de Szolnok, Member of the Board of Managing Directors with responsibility for the Animal Health business, explains: “The lives of humans and animals are interconnected in deep and complex ways. By adopting this interdisciplinary approach, we deliver value through in- novation and enhance the well-being of both.”

Over the course of the last years, these synergies have led to several innovative and successful products. In 2018, for example, Boehringer Ingelheim introduced SEMINTRA®, a product approved to help control systemic hypertension in cats, using an angiotensin II receptor blocker – the same active compound as micardis®, used to treat essential hypertension in humans. With such tools to effectively control hypertension, not only humans, but also their pets, can enjoy an improved and extended quality of life. And, in the future, these synergies will be found even more quickly.


The Disease Map as the Core of Global Innovation

These synergies do not come by chance. As a research-driven company, the worldwide R&D network of Boehringer Ingelheim is the powerhouse for innovation. “In the future, we want to discover, develop, and deliver breakthrough therapies in those areas with unmet needs,” as Prof. Dr. Eric Haaksma, Head of the company's Animal Health Global Innovation Division, outlines. Accordingly, in 2020, Boehringer Ingelheim began the implementation of a trans- formational innovation strategy. This process is guided by a Disease Map, a tool that gives a comprehensive overview of diseases for the main species and regions. In terms of R&D, the Disease Map sets the stage for the development of innovative solutions, identifying key focus areas in vaccines, parasiticides, and therapeutics. Like a compass, it navigates scientists in new directions – towards promising new synergies, unmet needs, research potential, and future markets. As of the end of 2020, the initial version of the map includes already nearly 2,500 established diseases.

In line with this process, Global Innovation is creating six Regional Centers in strategic locations. Each Regional Center focuses on specific fields, enabling efficient use of resources.




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The Power of Partnerships

Beyond these internal developments, shared in- novation through partnerships lead to even more groundbreaking solutions. In September 2020, Boehringer Ingelheim acquired an equity stake in New Ruipeng Group (NRP Group), which operates digital and clinical pet services across China and had served as a strategic partner before. David Gocken, the Head of Animal Health Boehringer Ingelheim for the Chinese market, describes this evolution: “It has be- come clear that we can bring more innovation more quickly to the pet market in China, and we are committed to expanding our active role in this dynamic and fast-paced market now.” Another strategic partnership which has entered a new stage through acquisition is GST (Global Stem cell Technology; see interview on page 30).

In October 2020, Boehringer Ingelheim announced its partnership with Henke-Sass. This cooperation with a leading provider of medical technology in Germany has already led to the development of an innovative intramuscular needle-free vaccine injection tool for pigs.


“Partnerships and collaborations are among the most impactful ways to innovate the Animal Health sector.”

Jean Scheftsik de Szolnok

Member of the Board of Managing Directors Animal Health


