S4.E17. 無國界健康聯盟 Pioneering beyond business


人們並不會因為有了新藥(innovative medicine)就能獲得健康。然而,只要經濟和社會共同能一起管理,就能產生運作良好的醫療保健系統。當然,訓練有素的醫生、主責政府機關、公平的醫療保險制度、知曉己身病情的患者…等都是必須存在的要素。這些跨領域的造浪者們,都是百靈佳殷格翰可靠的合作夥伴。

An innovative medicine alone does not make people healthy. Rather, a functioning healthcare system is a task that the economy and society can only successfully manage together. This calls for well-trained doctors, competent government agencies, a fair health insurance system, informed patients, and much more. Across sectors, it is also the pioneers who can make a difference. They experience Boehringer Ingelheim as a reliable partner.






預防狂犬病的最佳方法是讓犬隻進行疫苗接種,因此,百靈佳殷格翰的Isabelle Buschulite 博士與Fredrik Grünenfelder 博士於2019年時,在尼泊爾啟動了狂犬病疫苗接種計劃。藉由此計畫降低傳播率,希望能於2030年時達到WHO所訂定的目標:讓狂犬病自地球上絕跡。

Global Rabies Initiative

“Rabies is a fatal zoonotic viral disease transmitted from animals to humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists rabies as one of the world’s most deadly infectious diseases. Worldwide, one person every 10 minutes dies because of rabies, 40% of whom are children. Most of the affected live in low income countries.”

With vaccination in dogs serving as the best available defense against its spread, Isabelle Buschulte and Fredrik Grünenfelder from Boehringer Ingelheim started a rabies vaccination project in Nepal in 2019. Through this, they are doing an important part in reaching the WHO’s goal of eliminating all human rabies cases by 2030.





戰勝非傳染性疾病合作組織(Defeat-NCD Partnership)是聯合國底下的公私夥伴關係(public-private partnership)合作單位。非傳染性疾病合作組織乃是由聯合國永續發展目標延伸,希望能在2030年之前,藉由預防和治療將非傳染性疾病(NCD)的早期死亡率降低1/3,並提升心理健康與安適感。

「能擔任非傳染性疾病合作組織的執行長,並且與百靈佳殷格翰如此穩健的夥伴合作,我感到非常榮幸,甚至興奮。我們必須網羅NCD,它是我們這個時代最致命的殺手。我們優先投入90多個低資源國家,改善他們獲得優質醫療保健的機會,將醫療資源普及,進而使所有患有NCD 的人們都有機會享受健康並且有生產力的生活。」

Defeat-NCD Partnership

The Defeat-NCD Partnership, a public-private partnership anchored in the United Nations, is a bold response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.

“I am humbled and excited by the opportunity to lead the Defeat-NCD Partnership as its CEO and work together with committed partners like Boehringer Ingelheim. We tackle NCDs – the biggest killer of our age. Furthermore we improve access and affordability to quality healthcare across our 90 plus priority low-resource countries, so that all people with NCDs have the chance to lead a healthy and productive life.”






為了協助年輕人離開這個惡性循環,Germano 偕同種子研究所(Semear Institute)與百靈佳殷格翰合作,尋找、支持和招募來自巴西貧困區域的優秀學生。百靈佳殷格翰藉由頒發獎學金,指導並凝聚「青年種子」們,輔導他們成長茁壯,未來能對社區進一步產生永久性的正面影響。

Semear Institute, “Young Seeds” Initiative

“With only 15 percent of Brazilians graduating with a higher educational degree, offering access to education is a major need in Brazil. Non-graduates are far more likely to be caught in the poverty trap: low income, child labor, poor education, low productivity, and repeat.”

To help young people break out of this cycle, Germano and the Semear Institute are partnering with Boehringer Ingelheim to find, support, and recruit some of the best students from the poorer areas of Brazil. Boehringer Ingelheim helps nurture “Young Seeds” through scholarship, mentoring, and networking, so they can grow and become a permanent positive influence on their community.




與Bimaadzwin合作 提供Beyond the Pill(不只是藥物)的服務

「無論是在加拿大或是地球的哪個角落,原住民與非傳染性疾病(NCD)之間的抗爭,都是非常獨特的挑戰。過去曾經有一些醫療保健方案試著打入原住民社群,結果通常強制執行後發現無效,或者與當地族群的文化無法並存相容。因此另外發展出以結果為導向的行動方案,力求與在地的實際情勢結合,提供「Beyond the Pill」的服務,並且與本地的醫療專家建立永續的夥伴關係。」



“In Canada and around the world, indigenous populations face unique challenges when it comes to battling non-communicable diseases. Ineffective or culturally inappropriate healthcare solutions were being enforced in the past. An outcome-driven action plan has to work with local specificities, providing services ‘Beyond the Pill,’ and establishing sustainable partnerships with indigenous healthcare experts.”

Boehringer Ingelheim has engaged with “Bimaadzwin”, a Canadian indigenous organization that brings First Nation communities and governments together to build an indigenous health policy framework.




翻轉非洲的疾病禁忌文化 將數字透明化

藉由手機應用程式「Tiba Yako」整合醫療服務模式,目的在提高肯亞人民的醫療保健水平。患者透過行動裝置節省醫療保健費用,並可以在家中監測血壓以及血糖,結果能以數位方式傳送給醫生,獲得醫療方案、藥劑處方,並以行動裝置支付優惠的診療費。該應用程式是由百靈佳殷格翰和非營利組織PharmAccess於2019年共同推出;PharmAccess致力於改善非洲獲得優質醫療方案的機會。綜合型疾病服務模式能為患者、醫療服務提供者以及付款人都帶來益處。

“Tiba Yako”: integrated disease service model through mobile phone

The “Tiba Yako” app enhances access to healthcare for low-income people in Kenya. The mobile-based technology allows patients to monitor their blood pressure and blood glucose levels at home, digitally send the results to their doctor, get treatment advice, medication prescription, and receive and pay money for medical treatment through a mobile health wallet. In 2019, the app was launched by Boehringer Ingelheim and PharmAccess, a non-profit organization that works to improve access to quality healthcare in Africa. The integrated disease service model offers benefits to patients, healthcare providers, and payers alike.








“Helping people means so much more than medical treatment. It’s only when we combine care with nutrition and family support, education, counseling, health insurance, food and income security, and self-sufficiency, that we truly change lives for the better.”

Chronic disease is a fast-growing problem in sub-Saharan Africa. “Ampath” healthcare workers in Kenya educate group members on health behaviors and conduct screenings for diabetes and hypertension – helping them prioritize and afford the care they need. As of end of 2019, 70,000 people have been screened in Western Kenya. Boehringer Ingelheim has been partnering with “Ampath” since January 2019.

