S4.E13. 動物預防醫學再進化





百靈佳殷格翰人類用藥部門的同仁們與許多夥伴合作,一起投入在動物保健的領域裡,運用新技術和科學方法,研發出具有獨特性以及長效性的醫療方案。我們全面性的產品線,包含:家禽疫苗、殺寄生蟲藥劑、治療方案,證明了百靈佳殷格翰堅守研發領域的意志與信念。研發部門持續地推動核心業務(寵物獸醫、豬隻、馬、家禽、牛/反芻類、動物生物安全與公共衛生)的多元產品線組合,同時保持對其他重要議題的支持與關注,像是:獸醫院所使用的動物藥品、Live Biotherapeutics、診斷技術(Diagnostics)。



百靈佳殷格翰人類用藥部門的同仁們與許多夥伴合作,一起投入在動物保健的領域裡,運用新技術和科學方法,研發出具有獨特性以及長效性的醫療方案。我們全面性的產品線,包含:家禽疫苗、殺寄生蟲藥劑、治療方案,證明了百靈佳殷格翰堅守研發領域的意志與信念。研發部門持續地推動核心業務(寵物獸醫、豬隻、馬、家禽、牛/反芻類、動物生物安全與公共衛生)的多元產品線組合,同時保持對其他重要議題的支持與關注,像是:獸醫院所使用的動物藥品、Live Biotherapeutics、診斷技術(Diagnostics)。









我們絕不停下對科學領域的關注,希望能確實抓住每一個機會與可能—我們不止關注新的藥物分子,也重視新技術、診斷工具、運輸設備和產品組合。合作是我們重要的策略,也是我們成功的基礎之一。我們訂定了積極的業務發展和引進授權計畫(in-licensing program),並與大學、學術研究機構、生物技術和農業製藥公司、公私立部門等單位合作。


Preventive care is key to success

The global Research & Development (R&D) team of Boehringer Ingelheim delivers advanced, preventive animal healthcare that helps veterinarians, pet and livestock owners, and public health officials around the world improve animal health.


We work collaboratively with our internal colleagues in human pharma and with many external partners to leverage new technologies and science and develop targeted, comprehensive, long-term solutions for animal health. Our broad portfolio of veterinary vaccines, parasiticides and therapeutics reflects Boehringer Ingelheim’s strong commitment to research and development. R&D continues to drive a diverse portfolio across our six core business segments (Pet Vet*, Swine, Horses, Poultry, Cattle/Ruminant, and Veterinary Public Health), while maintaining support for other key areas, such as Pet Health Care, Live Biotherapeutics, and Diagnostics. We have a broad pipeline across species, balanced between research, development projects, and lifecycle management of our products, and that includes both incremental and breakthrough innovations. Our commitment to innovation means that we focus on ensuring excellence in efficacy and safety for new products and delivery systems as well as extending the benefits of our existing products by adding new species or claims. We work across geographies and species to deliver a robust innovative pipeline of products for companion and lifestock animals.

Pet products for the veterinary channel



A key part of R&D’s mission is to discover or identify new compounds, vaccines, technologies, disease processes, and infectious agents. To do this we employ a mix of sophisticated tools, technical capabilities, and expertise – both at our global R&D research sites and externally, working with our partners – to launch new veterinary medicines and vaccines that meet the needs of our customers.

We study diseases, biological processes, and the changes associated with normal aging in order to create products that prevent disease and improve animal health. Our research efforts often lead to the creation of intellectual property: Our many patents are a hallmark of our innovation and a resource essential to our future.

During the development phase, we conduct extensive studies to assess the effectiveness and safety of our products and determine the appropriate dosage, formulation, and method of delivery. Finally, we must gain approval for our products from appropriate regulatory agencies and monitor them, once launched.



Within R&D, collaborations and partnerships are crucial in driving future innovation in animal health. Some of our most successful products have been the result of collaborations – including nexgard®, vaxxitek®, and many others.

We constantly monitor the world of science for opportunities – not just for new molecules but also for new technologies, diagnostic tools, delivery devices, and combinations of approaches. Partnering is a key component of our strategy and one of the foundations of our success. We have an active business development and inlicensing program, and we work with universities, external research organizations, biotechnology and agri-pharma companies, public-private partnerships, and others.

We are also committed to leveraging the human health expertise within Boehringer Ingelheim to identify new molecules and new processes with the potential to accelerate the translation of innovation into effective treatments for animals.



