
非政府組織La Higuera為阿根廷北部資源匱乏社區提供急需的醫療服務

阿根廷的高階主管Eduardo Sorlino,鼓勵同事們成為變革者

每年MMH高階主管常駐計畫(Executive in Residence ProgramEiR)都會促成百靈佳殷格翰的高階主管和變革系統的社會企業家(阿育王Ashoka學者)之間為期六個月的高效合作。在這期間,他們透過遠端合作,共同研究和社會企業家們組織發展中的關鍵挑戰,計畫結束後,高階主管會前往當地派駐一到四週。這是一個相互學習的歷程,社會企業家可以了其解決方案的影響,而企業員工也能獲得必要的新技能和創新的方法,應用於他們的日常工作中。



2022年,APUB地區(阿根廷、巴拉圭、烏拉圭和玻利維亞)總經理兼人類製藥負責人Eduardo Sorlino 加入 EiR計畫,與阿育王Ashoka研究員Gustavo Farrugia(La Higuera創辦人)展開合作。La Higuera位於阿根廷北部查科省,藉由一個新開發的系統,整合專業醫療知識、大學和公共機構的資源,激發當地居民積極參與自身醫療保健,來為資源不足社群/社區提供高品質的醫療服務。

在計畫啟動初期, Eduardo就決定不要限制在一對一的合作關係裡,而是擴大實施範圍。他覺得有必要賦予這段經歷一種集體意識。他說:「從一開始我就決定,我不要單打獨鬥,因此邀請了團隊中的三名成員一起加入這個計畫。」



為了讓團隊成員之間更了解彼此,合作由La Higuera、百靈佳殷格翰和阿育王Ashoka三方的虛擬會議開始。正如Eduardo所分享的:「最令人興奮的部分是當我們實地拜訪Chaco時,我們在那裡花了三天的時間與當地組織實際合作。」

百靈佳殷格翰的團隊成員來自不同背景和專業領域,在這趟旅行之後,他們更加了解要服務的社區,理解社區所面臨的主要挑戰和需求,從而找到真正可以作出貢獻的機會。正如APUB區負責人 Ezequiel Pasman所說:「Edurado的目標是讓團隊除了在獲得現場經驗之外,還能真正為解決社會問題做出貢獻。」

動物健康部公關經理兼MMH南美洲負責人Cecilia MirandaEdurado邀請參與此次合作的同仁之一。對她而言,能夠與一個多元化的團隊合作,對於建立支持La Higuera工作的專案至關重要:「團隊中有各種不同背景、經驗和動機的成員,為我們帶來不同的觀點;我們每個人都找到了獨特的合作機會,進而為社區創造更大的積極影響。」




Eduardo解釋道:「我們在返程中帶著更多的靈感,將這些靈感帶入我們與La Higuera的會議中,繼續努力將我們的實地經驗轉化為具體的合作機會。」

在這個動態的過程中,兩個組織完成了一份專案計畫,其中包含兩個主要的倡議。第一個倡議著重於動物健康,希望能提高社區對囊蟲病預防的認識,並強調疫苗接種和驅蟲的重要性。第二個倡議改善患者醫療數據紀錄方法的缺陷,這源自於地方社區缺乏適當的設備和有效率的軟體。患者的就醫紀錄一開始是由社區醫師手工紀錄在紙上,之後在阿根廷Santa Fe辦公室進行數位化,導致資訊管理效率低落。此倡議計畫借助百靈佳殷格翰阿根廷資訊中心的數位專業知識,著重於改善流程,以提供更完善的照顧和追蹤患者。雖然EiR計畫於2022年正式結束,但阿根廷的百靈佳殷格翰同仁們依然堅持完善La Higuera的工作,並在2023年繼續執行相關活動。他們深刻認知到,自己的日常工作內容可以為社區帶來正面的貢獻,並且集體努力的成果可以在商業活動和社會之間建立橋樑,正如MMH合作夥伴關係的本質一樣。





The NGO “La Higuera“ brings much needed medical services to underserved communities in northern Argentina.

Eduardo Sorlino is an executive in Argentina who activated his colleagues to become changemakers.

Every year, the MMH Executive in Residence Program (EiR) fosters high-impact collaboration between Boehringer Ingelheim executives and system-changing social entrepreneurs (Ashoka Fellows) for a period of six months. During this time, they work remotely to address a challenge critical to the growth of the social entrepreneur’s organization, and at the end of the process, executives are in residence for one to four weeks. The result: a mutual learning experience in which social entrepreneurs can learn about the impact of their solutions and employees gain essential new skills, as well as innovative approaches to apply in their day-to-day work.


Starting a changemaking journey – together!

Eduardo Sorlino, General Manager and Human Pharma Head APUB (Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay & Bolivia), joined EiR in 2022 and was matched with the Ashoka Fellow Gustavo Farrugia, founder of La Higuera, located in Chaco, a province in the north of Argentina. This organization provides underserved communities with high-quality medical care through a new system that brings together medical expertise, the institutional capacity of universities and public agency, and the active participation of local people in their own healthcare.

Since the beginning, Eduardo decided to expand the limits of the program, which establishes a one-to-one collaboration; he felt the need to impart a collective meaning to this experience. “When I started, I made a decision: I was not going to participate in the program alone, and I invited three collaborators of my team to join me,” he explains.


Diverse team, brighter solutions

To get to know the teams and organizations, the collaboration started with virtual meetings between La Higuera, Boehringer Ingelheim and Ashoka staff. But as Eduardo shares, “The most exciting part was when my colleagues and I travelled to Chaco, where we spent three days working with the organization in the field.”

Following this trip, the group of Boehringer Ingelheim employees, with diverse profiles and areas of expertise, understood the main challenges and needs of the under-served communities they had been working with. This allowed them to identify the opportunities to contribute to addressing these issues. As Ezequiel Pasman, Corporate Affairs Leader APUB, states: “Eduardo aimed for his team not only to gain field experience but also contribute to solving a social problem.”

Cecilia Miranda, Animal Health Communications Manager and Making More Health Leader for South America, is one of the colleagues Eduardo invited to join this collaboration. To her, being able to work with a diverse group of teammates was key to building the projects that support the work of La Higuera: “Having people with   diverse   backgrounds, experiences, and motivations within the team brought different  perspectives; each one of us identified unique opportunities for collaboration to create a bigger positive impact in the community.”



A lasting cross-sectorial collaboration 

“We returned with even more inspiration, which we brought to our virtual and in-office meetings with La Higuera, where we continued our work to transform our experience in the field into concrete opportunities to collaborate,” Eduardo explains.

After this dynamic process, both organizations agreed on a project plan including two main initiatives.The first one, focused on animal health, looks to raise awareness in the community around hydatid disease prevention and reinforce the importance of vaccination and deworming. The second initiative addresses the drawbacks in the current method of recording medical data from patients, which is related to the lack of devices and effective software in the field. Although the patients’ data is gathered on paper by the doctors in rural communities, it’s later digitized in an office based in Santa Fe, another Argentinian province, creating inefficient information management. Leveraging the digital expertise of the IT HUB in Boehringer Ingelheim Argentina, this project aims to improve the process for better care and follow-up of patients. Although the EiR collaboration officially ended in 2022, this group of Boehringer Ingelheim employees from Argentina, remains deeply committed to the work of La Higuera, and continues to implement these projects throughout 2023. They now realize how their daily work can contribute to creating a positive impact on society, and how their collective effort builds bridges between business and social aspects – just like the essence of the Making More Health partnership. 


oming together to make change happen. A mural at a pediatric clinic in Chaco.

