Women in Science Day: Meet Josefin Skogsberg

At Boehringer Ingelheim we are powered by our people. By tapping into the diverse ideas, skill sets and experiences of our employees, we have learned that the path towards health innovation requires long-term commitment, resilience, and transformative action.

When women decide to follow a career in science, they bring with them a different perspective and contribution, besides inspiring new generations to step up and address global challenges.

Meet Josefin Skogsberg, Medical Director of Boehringer Ingelheim Sweden.

Woman looking at the camera

Josefin’s journey in the field of science began with a drive to make a difference, particularly for patients. This drive, coupled with her innate curiosity, led her to pursue a science-associated university education at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. During her education, Josefin had the opportunity to interact with numerous researchers and engage in various research projects.

What Josefin found particularly interesting was research that was closely tied to the clinical setting. She believes it is essential to address questions raised in the clinical setting using contemporary laboratory-based medicine. This approach can help patients in the long run. Throughout her research career, she’s stayed very close to the clinical research setting, focusing on identifying new cholesterol-responsive drug targets that could reduce the burden of atherosclerosis disease.


Significant achievements in the scientific career

One of the most significant achievements in Josefin’s scientific career has been her many publications in international journals with high impact in the field of medicine, such as Science, PLoS Genetics, and Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. Josefin takes great pride in developing people in her team. Seeing them grow and evolve into strong, independent researchers brings her immense joy.

Although research has a special place in her heart, Josefin is also a dedicated professional at Boehringer Ingelheim, leading the medical team in Sweden. Since Boehringer Ingelheim is a research-driven pharmaceutical company Josefin has been able to combine her passion for science and research with her dedication to seeing people grow in her current leadership role.


Overcoming challenges as a woman in science

As a woman in science, Josefin feels fortunate to not have faced many challenges related to gender. “I feel that I've been treated equally to my male research colleagues.” However, she is also aware that studies indicate that female researchers in Sweden often attract less funding and other support compared to males.

Josefin holds firm to her belief that achieving success in the academic world, besides knowledge in science, hinges on establishing connections and fostering robust partnerships. She believes that given the intense competition in this field, the key to thriving is to engage in collaboration and build a solid network of relationships.

For her, success in academia is all about networking and building strong collaborations. “The field is highly competitive, and to succeed, you need to collaborate and have strong networks around you.”


Advice for young girls aspiring to pursue a career in science

To young girls who aspire to pursue a career in science, Josefin advises: "Go for it. Focus on the opportunities, not the challenges. Be bold but take smart risks. Most importantly, enjoy the journey. The field of science is challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding.”