
140 Result(s)
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Championing novel science

Championing novel science

Dr. Vikas Mohan Sharma announces FDA fast-track designation for BI 1358894 as potential treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder.
SIRPα Cancer Immunology Research

SIRPα Cancer Immunology Research

Boehringer Ingelheim scientists are investigating a new target in the innate immune system - signal-regulating protein alpha or SIRPα.
Our Partners_ViraTherapeutics

Our Partners_ViraTherapeutics

Lisa Egerer, COO and Patrik Erlman, Head of Research at ViraTherapeutics talk about their partnering journey with Boehringer Ingelheim.
Przygody Czarka Czerwonej Krwinki

Przygody Czarka Czerwonej Krwinki

Dołącz do Czarka w podróży, podczas której nasza ciekawska czerwona krwinka zbada powiązania między sercem, nerkami a trzustką.
Solidarność z Ukrainą

Solidarność z Ukrainą

Nasza firma potępia militarną agresję na Ukrainę i zobowiązuje się do długoterminowej pomocy potrzebującym poprzez darowizny pieniężne i rzeczowe.
Lung Repair & Regeneration Video

Lung Repair & Regeneration Video

Lung repair & regeneration research addresses fundamental changes to lung architecture and how these changes impact lung function.
Our Contribution

Our Contribution

Humanity is facing serious challenges. We believe we can always do more – for ourselves and for the generations to come.
Guardians for health

Guardians for health

sA global initiative to reduce mortality, cardiovascular and kidney complications in type 2 diabetes through adherence to clinical guideline.
Our Commitment

Our Commitment

We want to create value in areas of unmet medical need and engage with communities and society to improve lives – for humans and animals.


Depending on formulation, the product is for the treatment of nematodes, lice, mites, ticks, flies and lungworms in cattle and sheep.


In broiler chickens from the age of one day of age: active immunisation against Newcastle disease to reduce mortality and clinical signs associated with the disease.


Potential access to selected medications for appropriate patients with serious, life-threatening diseases unable to participate in a clinical trial
Our Approach

Our Approach

We are driven by the desire to improve human and animal health -– now and in the future. Therefore, we have developed our framework: Sustainable Development – For Generations.