
58 Result(s)
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World Recycling Day: Closing the Loop

World Recycling Day: Closing the Loop

Transitioning the economy from a linear to a circular approach herculean task – but also an innovation that carries huge potential
Research Beyond Borders Partnering

Research Beyond Borders Partnering

Our Research Beyond Borders team is looking for emerging science and technology opportunities. Learn more about partnering with us.
Advancing regenerative medicine

Advancing regenerative medicine

Strategic partnerships play a key role in helping the company accelerate the next generation of breakthroughs.
Retinal health

Retinal health

We are looking for new early-science collaborations and invite you to join our expanding community of innovation partners in Retinal Health.
Our Contribution

Our Contribution

Humanity is facing serious challenges. We believe we can always do more – for ourselves and for the generations to come.
Equestrian sports technology

Equestrian sports technology

Learn about new trends in equine health and get insights into the human-horse relationship!
A Clear Vision

A Clear Vision

Take a tour of our journey into Retinal Health through this interactive infographic or descriptive audio recording, and learn how we aim to preserve or restore vision in people with retinal diseases.
Focus on Alliance Management

Focus on Alliance Management

Stefan Walke, Global Head of Alliance Management, dzieli się swoimi spostrzeżeniami dotyczącymi zarządzania aliansami i jego wkładem w rozwój udanych i długotrwałych partnerstw.
BI Access to Healthcare Strategy_Availability

BI Access to Healthcare Strategy_Availability

Boehringer Ingelheim aspires to be a leader in ensuring improved access by delivering More Health to humans, animals and communities around the world. Read more about our holistic approach, based on partnerships and local empowerment.
Guardians for health

Guardians for health

sA global initiative to reduce mortality, cardiovascular and kidney complications in type 2 diabetes through adherence to clinical guideline.
Our Approach

Our Approach

We are driven by the desire to improve human and animal health -– now and in the future. Therefore, we have developed our framework: Sustainable Development – For Generations.
Stem cells a new frontier

Stem cells a new frontier

Stem cells may be a game changer for the development of new veterinary treatments. Read this story to find out why.
Our Partnering Culture

Our Partnering Culture

We embrace the power of partnerships and alliances to find even more breakthrough therapies that change lives.
Saving Stroke Patients around the world

Saving Stroke Patients around the world

Suffering a stroke is one of the most devastating medical emergencies that can happen to a person. Over 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke every year.
Championing novel science

Championing novel science

Dr. Vikas Mohan Sharma announces FDA fast-track designation for BI 1358894 as potential treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder.
Być niezależnym

Być niezależnym

Kultura korporacyjna Boehringer Ingelheim opiera się na wartościach, które są stosowane od momentu założenia firmy w 1885 roku.