
recombinant vectored canine distemper virus canine parvovirus canine adenovirus type 2 canine parainfluenza virus coronavirus leptospira Canicola leptospira grippotyphosa leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae leptospira Pomona recombinant borrelia burgdorferi bordetella bronchiseptica


(*in the US and others)

RECOMBITEK® offers a complete line of canine vaccines with:

  • Proven efficacy against distemper in the presence of maternal antibodies;*
  • Concentrated Parvo with demonstrated protection against major circulating strains CPV-2a, 2b, 2c;*
  • Prevention of disease and shedding against leptospirosis;*
  • Targeted, advanced science – without the need for adjuvants.

The only vaccine that contains OspA in a non-adjuvant formulation.

RECOMBITEK® Oral Bordetella:
Effective and safe protection made easy.

* Data on file

Product Feiten


Canine vaccines portfolio

Brand names

RECOMBITEK®* (*in the US and others)

Active ingredients

recombinant vectored canine distemper virus canine parvovirus canine adenovirus type 2 canine parainfluenza virus coronavirus leptospira Canicola leptospira grippotyphosa leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae leptospira Pomona recombinant borrelia burgdorferi bordetella bronchiseptica