
English follows the Japanese】

2023年9月28日(木)にクリエイティブラボ神戸(CLIK)で「第5回ベーリンガーインゲルハイム・イノベーション・プライズ・イン・ジャパン」(後援:神戸市/公益財団法人神戸医療産業都市推進機構 協賛:神戸都市振興サービス株式会社)を開催しました。初の同時開催となったセミナー「Meet BI」では、グローバルヘッドらが当社のスタートアップ支援策やグローバル戦略などを紹介し、国内外から集まった多数の投資家や起業家、研究者たちと活発な意見交換を行いました。


ベーリンガーインゲルハイム社内外の有識者で構成された審査員による審査の結果、大きな医療問題解決の糸口となり得ると期待が集まったレグセル株式会社(取締役 マイケル・マッキュラー氏、取締役 石川大介氏:役職名は発表当時)の「制御性T細胞による自己免疫疾患の特異的な治療」が1位を受賞しました。また2位はPrazer Therapeutics社(CEO Kyung-Soo Inn氏/韓国)の「標的タンパク分解の新しい技術プラットフォームSPiDEM TM」が、オーディエンス賞には生体模倣システム理研白眉研究チーム(チームリーダー 萩原将也氏)の「オルガノイドと生体チップとの統合による次世代生体模倣システムの開発」が選ばれました。


ベーリンガーインゲルハイム グローバル事業開発&ライセンシング ヘッドのデトレフ・メネリッヒは、「昨年同様に今年も当社が研究拠点を置く神戸で本イベントを開催でき、我々の予想を上回る大勢の方々にお集まりいただいたことを心から嬉しく思います。革新的なアイデアやコラボレーションは、人と人との密なコニュニケーションから生まれます。本イベントはそのきっかけづくりの場。神戸でまかれたアイデアやコラボレーションの種が、近い将来、芽吹くことを願っています」と語りました。


取締役 マイケル・マッキュラー氏 取締役 石川 大介氏(役職名は発表当時)

Prazer Therapeuticsの受賞の写真
Prazer Therapeutics(韓国)
CEO Kyung-Soo Inn氏

チームリーダー 萩原将也氏



Team Title
AevisBio, Inc. (KOR) Molecular glue degrader
Curreio, Inc. (JPN) How we unlock undruggable targets using Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Human Biomimetic System Team, RIKEN (JPN) Next-Generation of MPS: Modularized organoids in a chip
IMBiologics Corp. (KOR) ePENDY, next generation IgM platform
Onco Immune Theratech Co. LTD (JPN) CAR-DC, innovative cell therapy for refractory and “cold” solid tumors
Prazer Therapeutics (KOR) SPiDEM platform for targeted protein degradation
RegCell Co., Ltd. (JPN) Antigen-specific regulatory T cell therapy targeting autoimmune & inflammatory diseases

KOR: South Korea, JPN: Japan


The 5th Boehringer Ingelheim Innovation Prize in Japan Held in Japan; Winners Decided

The 5th Boehringer Ingelheim Innovation Prize in Japan (supported by Kobe City/Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster; sponsored by Kobe Urban Promotion Service Co., Ltd.) was held at Creative Labor for Innovation in Kobe (CLIK) on September 28 (Thursday). At “Meet BI” seminar, which was held concurrently for the first time, our global heads introduced, among other topics, BI’s start-up support measures and global strategies and engaged in a lively exchange of opinions with many investors, entrepreneurs, and researchers from Japan and abroad.

In addition, the Innovation Prize, which has expanded the slots for applications from abroad from this time, has 7 teams participating, including 3 from Korea. Start-up companies and researchers from academia made pitch presentations on innovative topics, such as cryo-electron microscopy, novel drug discovery technologies using next-generation IgM platforms, and novel approaches to cell therapy, which were listened to attentively by a large audience of venture capitalists and other participants.

As a result of the evaluation by the judging committee comprised of experts from BI as well as external judges, RegCell Co., Ltd. (Japan, Directors: Dr. Michael McCullar and Dr. Daisuke Ishikawa (titles held at the time of announcement)), which is expected to become capable of providing solutions to major medical problems, won first prize for “Antigen-specific regulatory T cell therapy targeting autoimmune & inflammatory diseases.” The second prize was awarded to Prazer Therapeutics (Korea, CEO: Dr. Kyung-Soo Inn) for its “SPiDEM platform for targeted protein degradation” and the Audience Award went to the Human Biomimetic System Team, RIKEN Hakubi Research Team (Japan, Team Leader: Dr. Masaya Hagiwara) for “Next-Generation of MPS: Modularized organoids in a chip.”

The winners receive cash prizes of 4 million yen for first place, 1 million yen for second place, and 250,000 yen for the audience award, respectively.

Detlev Mennerich, the Global Head of Boehringer Ingelheim’s Business Development and Licensing, commented, "We are very pleased that this year's event was held in Kobe, just like last year, which is home to our research center. We were able to attract an even larger audience than expected." He further noted, "Innovative ideas and collaboration are born from close communication between people, and this event serves as the perfect place to create such opportunities." He concluded by stating, "We hope that the seeds of ideas and collaboration sown in Kobe will blossom and bear fruit in the near future."

[Comments from the Award Recipients]

The awarding of the RegCell Co., Ltd
■ First Prize
RegCell Co., Ltd.
Director: Dr. Michael McCullar; Director: Dr. Daisuke Ishikawa (titles held at the time of announcement)
Antigen-specific regulatory T-cell therapy targeting autoimmune & inflammatory diseases
“We would like to thank you for awarding the first prize to RegCell from among the many innovation research projects.
RegCell is involved in the research and development to achieve a novel therapy to effectively suppress autoimmune diseases using regulatory T-cells discovered by Dr. Shimon Sakaguchi of Osaka University.
We have a great sense of excitement about our research being so highly acclaimed in a contest sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim, a major pharmaceutical company, which we hope will be attractive to investors. Encouraged by this award, we will redouble our efforts to bring this treatment to patients as early as possible.”

The awarding of the Prazer Therapeutics
■Second Prize
Prazer Therapeutics (Korea)
CEO: Dr. Kyung-Soo Inn
SPiDEM platform for targeted protein degradation
“Prazer Therapeutics is working on drug discovery using a novel targeted protein degradation technology. One of our goals in participating in this contest was to introduce our core next-generation targeted protein degradation technology and the novel SPiDEMTM platform technology based on it and the other goal was to find corporate partners with whom we could collaborate on joint research.
This award is very unexpected, and we are deeply honored to have been selected for the second prize. Participating in this contest has provided us with a valuable opportunity to reassess our research and technology. Once again, please accept our heartfelt appreciation for this honor.”

The awarding of the Human Biomimetic System Team, RIKEN Hakubi Research Team
■Audience Award
Human Biomimetic System Team, RIKEN Hakubi Research Team
Team Leader: Dr. Masaya Hagiwara
Development of next-generation biomimetic systems by integration of organoids and biochips
“We are very pleased that so many members of the audience highly acclaimed our research in this contest.
Our team is developing a drug discovery evaluation system that allows anyone to easily conduct non-clinical studies by utilizing human stem cell-derived organoids (mini-organs) made in small cube-shaped incubators and organ-on-a-chips that mimic the vascular network.
From now on, we will focus on collecting various data that show the effectiveness of this system with the aim of commercializing it, for which we would appreciate your support.”

Awards Ceremony

Presentations in alphabetical order

Team Title
AevisBio, Inc. (KOR) Molecular glue degrader
Curreio, Inc. (JPN) How we unlock undruggable targets using Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Human Biomimetic System Team, RIKEN (JPN) Next-Generation of MPS: Modularized organoids in a chip
IMBiologics Corp. (KOR) ePENDY, next generation IgM platform
Onco Immune Theratech Co. LTD (JPN) CAR-DC, innovative cell therapy for refractory and “cold” solid tumors
Prazer Therapeutics (KOR) SPiDEM platform for targeted protein degradation
RegCell Co., Ltd. (JPN) Antigen-specific regulatory T cell therapy targeting autoimmune & inflammatory diseases

KOR: South Korea, JPN: Japan