Growing with us  

Our continuous learning culture

Our continuous learning culture


We are dedicated to investing in our people and committed to offering our employees the opportunity to build on their strengths and reach their potential. This support also includes investment in leadership training and personal development so that our managers and future managers can support, grow, and achieve results with their teams. 

Our commitment to helping you be the best you can be, every day, includes: 

  • Putting people first in all that we do means prioritizing continued growth and development

  • Promoting accountability, agility and innovation (which we refer to as “intrapreneurship”)

  • Evolving our work environment to enable people to bring their best self to work and ultimately deliver their best work to our patients and customers


Employee growth and development

We are advocates of the 70, 20, 10 model when it comes to successful learning and development. We encourage employees to invest time focusing on their own personal development, which we know brings considerable rewards to both the business and to individuals. 

70% learning includes on-the-job experiences, project work (local or global), job rotations, delegation of work, interim assignments, and job enrichment. Employees will be able to reach their full potential through regular development discussions with their manager. We promote and encourage cross-functional collaboration across teams, functions and business areas which not only encourages better business decision-making, but also provides opportunities for employees to network with new stakeholders, try out innovative approaches to resolve challenges and develop new skills and capabilities. 

20% learning includes coaching, mentoring and feedback. We strongly encourage and support social learning gained through working with your manager, other leaders, and peers. Sharing experiences, successes, learning from failures, and challenging colleagues in a collaborative environment will enable our employees to achieve their personal development goals.

10% of learning focuses on more traditional learning solutions such as formal training workshops, e-learning, or other professional or educational programmes led by an expert. These programs may be available within the organization, or externally as required. Our local LEARN intranet platform also provides a comprehensive list of many local and global growth and development programs, tools, and information sessions to support the learning needs of our leaders and employees.




Global mobility  

As a truly international organization we can offer our people the chance to work all over the globe, experiencing new markets and new ways of looking at the world. Learn more

Collaborating and growing together  

There is no better resource for learning about how a company operates than the people who work there, so we truly aim to connect our people. And because we can all learn from each other, wherever we are in our careers, we are committed to 360º feedback – not as a performance assessment tool but as a confidential resource for individual development. 

Our academies 

Our Global Functional Academies are the backbone of our formal learning. These carefully designed learning systems in specific fields are available to any employee who wants to upskill. Examples include our University of Medicine Excellence, our Data Science Academy, Language or Digital Workplace academies and more. 

Other development programs and support  

We encourage our employees to discuss their personalized development goals with their manager and revisit them regularly. We offer a variety of developmental support to help eligible employees to reach their goals, including: educational assistance, language training, 360 feedback, local skills and leadership development training programs, global leadership development training programs (led by leading academic and business institutions), and more.


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