Pascal Haubert

The best way to grow 


Three months into an internship with us, Pascal Haubert talks about responsibility, learning, and mutual support. 

I’ve been with Boehringer Ingelheim for about three months now – I did a two-week school internship here back in 2015, too – and I’m hoping to stay on after my internship ends and I finish my Master’s degree in psychology.  As a Recruiting Intern, I’m mostly involved in taking on apprentices, PhDs and other interns.

An early start 

I applied for this position using the Boehringer Ingelheim job portal; I got my invitation to an interview about a week later. Actually, I applied to start in October 2022, but they asked if I was available sooner. I gave it some thought, said yes, and was happy to begin in May. 

Trust and support 

Being an intern at Boehringer Ingelheim really is a great experience. Once my supervisors had a feel for what I was capable of, they didn’t hesitate to let me take on more responsibility when I needed it. They have a lot of trust in me, and I don’t take that for granted, but they’re always there if I need some advice, and there are daily check-ups as well. All in all, I could not be happier with the support and trust I receive.

Giving help, getting help 

I’ve definitely got better at structuring tasks, which is important since I work on one big project while still supporting colleagues in smaller side projects. I’ve also learned how important it is to trust and support your colleagues. When everybody is under pressure and you have some spare time, don’t hesitate to offer your support - and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it, either. If everybody looks after each, even the most stressful times can be turned into something great — and you get the best combination of challenge and promotion from your colleagues, which is the best way to grow personally. Everyone here wants to see you win. 

What do you enjoy about working at Boehringer Ingelheim?

Apart from all the excitement of working in such an international company, you also feel a closeness with colleagues, which is a big part of the company’s philosophy. I feel like part of something big and innovative, while still having this sense of unity and trust. The remote working options and the great food in the canteen are a big plus too, though! 


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