
239 Result(s)
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Facts About Asthma

Facts About Asthma

Understand more about what asthma is, how asthma is diagnosed and what you can do to reduce symptoms in your day to day life.
Spesolimab Phase II data

Spesolimab Phase II data

New data published in NEJM shows spesolimab improved signs & symptoms of GPP flares


Boehringer Ingelheim recognises the contribution made in the decade since the RE-LY® trial publication by patients, HCPs and researchers
Results for Jardiance EMPACT-MI phase III trial

Results for Jardiance EMPACT-MI phase III trial

Results announced from EMPACT-MI phase III trial investigating the effect of Jardiance® (empagliflozin) on risk of heart failure hospitalization and death in adults following a heart attack
survodutide top-line results MASH fibrosis

survodutide top-line results MASH fibrosis

Survodutide Phase II trial shows 83% of adults treated achieved groundbreaking results in liver disease due to MASH, with significant improvements in fibrosis