
350 Result(s)
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Harold and Dorothy – Full Story

Harold and Dorothy – Full Story

T2D and CVD animation the full story – learn about the relationship between type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Retinal Health Research

Retinal Health Research

Our research is targeting key mechanisms in the pathogenesis of retinal diseases – vascular dysfunction, neuronal dysfunction and neuronal inflammation.
Chronic kidney disease is a silent killer

Chronic kidney disease is a silent killer

Living with chronic kidney disease can have drastic impacts on a patient and their family’s life. A patient and her caregiver share their story on managing it.
Future of Diabetes

Future of Diabetes

This video highlights the evolution of type 2 diabetes management


Hear from Gary Schwartz, MD, Director of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cleveland, Ohio, talk about his expert perspectives on sarcoma.
2019 performance

2019 performance

Global Support Program addresses COVID-19 crisis with relief fund initiatives and volunteering support, donations, and concrete research activities.
Hidradenitis suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa

Find out more about hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), a long-term, inflammatory, recurrent, skin disease


Boehringer Ingelheim and Zealand Pharma announced Phase 2 trials of the GLP-1/glucagon dual agonist BI 456906 for adults living with obesity or NASH.


Interim analysis from EMPRISE real-world study shows decreased risk of hospitalisation for heart failure compared with DPP-4 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists
Winfrieds Story

Winfrieds Story

Heart failure is a progressive and potentially fatal condition that is affecting over 60 million people worldwide and expected to increase as the population ages.
More Than Scleroderma

More Than Scleroderma

A hub of knowledge, advice and support for those whose lives have been touched by scleroderma.