
134 Result(s)
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Innovation in medicinal chemistry

Innovation in medicinal chemistry

Darryl McConnell, Research Site Head, Austria and Jürgen Mack, Medicinal Chemistry, explain how we are working to unlock unsolved diseases
Facts About Asthma

Facts About Asthma

Understand more about what asthma is, how asthma is diagnosed and what you can do to reduce symptoms in your day to day life.


Nintedanib received a CHMP positive opinion for the treatment of patients with other chronic fibrosing ILDs with a progressive phenotype beyond IPF


European Commission approves nintedanib for the treatment of patients with other chronic fibrosing ILDs with a progressive phenotype beyond IPF
Results for Jardiance EMPACT-MI phase III trial

Results for Jardiance EMPACT-MI phase III trial

Results announced from EMPACT-MI phase III trial investigating the effect of Jardiance® (empagliflozin) on risk of heart failure hospitalization and death in adults following a heart attack


Interim analysis from EMPRISE real-world study shows decreased risk of hospitalisation for heart failure compared with DPP-4 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists


Positive, top-line results announced from the EMPEROR-Reduced Phase III trial in adults with chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction