MORE GREEN for our planet 

A healthy planet is a prerequisite for healthy people, animals, and communities. MORE GREEN focuses on reducing the environmental footprint of our operations to help protect the health of current and future generations, safeguarding their prospects for a healthy future.

Topics of interest

Researchers working on sustainable medicines to decrease environmental impact

Sustainable medicines for our planet

About our efforts to collaborate with renowned researchers to blaze the trail to reduce solvent waste.

Carbon reduction project in Guatemala
More Green

The impact of carbon reduction projects

With climate contributions we not only help conservating wildlife and forests but also support female rangers in Kenya and communities in Guatemala
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MORE GREEN infographic

MORE GREEN at a glance

Our environmental commitments are underscored by numerous projects and initiatives, many of which have been active for over a decade.

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More Green

Performance Indicators

All EHS performance indicators are compiled here, with data changes discussed in the Environment and Occupational Health and Safety chapters.
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Image of plants in botanical garten
Science Stories

Making sustainable medicines through eco-design

To minimize the environmental footprint of our medicines, we have begun to integrate eco-design and green chemistry principles across the medicine's entire lifecycle.
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