Skin Diseases

Living with a severe skin disease can greatly impact a person’s quality of life, both physically and emotionally. People living with these diseases guide and inspire us to turn innovative science into life-changing medical breakthroughs.

Our Responsibility
An image that shows a GPP patient and the symptoms that GPP patients may face

Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP): a rare, chronic, systemic disease

A rare, chronic, systemic autoinflammatory disease that can be life-threatening if left untreated.

An illustration of how Netherton Syndrome (NS) can affect the skin of people living with the condition.

Netherton syndrome (NS)

A severe, ultra-rare multisystem disorder which has a life-altering impact on a person’s life.

A photo of the full set of The Unwearable Collection™ statues from 2023
Skin Diseases

The Unwearable Collection™

Created to bring the physical and emotional burden of living with generalized pustular psoriasis to life.
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Illustration of distressed woman living with Hidradenitis suppurativa
Skin Diseases

A guide to hidradenitis suppurativa (HS)

A long-term, inflammatory, recurrent skin condition causing painful inflamed nodules or abscesses on the skin.
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Boehringer Workplace Lab Research with Scientists

A complete overview of our products for Human Health.