Medical Affairs & Scientific Communications

Boehringer Ingelheim is proud to offer a 2-year, rotation-based, Fellowship program within Medical Affairs & Scientific Communications. This design provides pharmacists with broad U.S. Medical Affairs exposure. The program will allow Fellows to develop the competencies necessary to engage in comprehensive Medical and Scientific Communications activities. Fellows will complete two 9-month core rotations in Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications. Additionally, Fellows will complete 6 months of elective rotational experiences in one or more areas where they will gain an understanding of the broad range of career opportunities available within the pharmaceutical industry.

Medical Affairs

  • Develop cross-functional project management skills by partnering with key stakeholders.
  • Gain experience in planning and executing advisory board meetings and engaging Key External Experts.
  • Train internal medical team members, and disseminate data from scientific manuscripts, congresses, etc.
  • Collaborate with internal and external colleagues to support national scientific conferences.
  • Provide medical review of promotional and non-promotional materials (e.g., Grant Review Committees, Human Pharma Review Committees).

Scientific Communications

  • Provide scientific and standardized responses to medical information inquiries.
  • Maintain a comprehensive product response database and develop managed care formulary dossiers.
  • Conduct tailored product trainings that meet the needs of diverse audiences.
  • Strategize and develop publications for journal manuscripts, Congress posters, and presentations.
  • Collaborate with the medical education team to organize and implement scientific advancement grants.
  • Participate in reviewing, coordinating, and liaising with External Collaborative Research project leads.

Fellows will gain numerous development opportunities in Medical Affairs & Scientific Communications by:

  • Leading and executing a longitudinal research project to improve medical processes and presenting the outcomes at a national conference.
  • Enhancing leadership and management skills by precepting Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) students.

If interested in applying for this position, please apply here.