Global mobility

Your path to a global future.


The world of work is changing and evolving everywhere – and our business is no different. For us, a diverse, global workforce that can respond quickly to the needs of a worldwide business is more important than ever. For you, that could mean a career that takes you almost anywhere on Earth. We operate on every continent except Antarctica and, for those who value breadth of experience, a career with Boehringer Ingelheim is a fascinating way to experience the world. And of course, going where your talents are needed is one of the best ways to develop them still further.

The Global Mobility Framework 

To make that possible, we have created our Global Mobility Framework — a collection of programs specifically aimed at exposing our people to as much of our global network as they want, at almost every level of the company. It isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach; instead, it considers specific family needs, allowing the assignees to make personal choices and set individual priorities. 

And it’s been a resounding success. Internally, participants have told us how much they appreciated not just the international, intercultural exposure but the flexibility, simplicity, and user-friendliness of the program. 

 “My family and I appreciate all the support provided by Boehringer Ingelheim for a smooth transition to the new country, new role,  and new culture.” 

Mariana Kitagawa, Junior Manager Compensation & Benefits    

Externally, our new framework was honored by FEM, the Forum for Expatriate Management, with their 2021 award for outstanding employee experience and engagement. We have several different types of assignment within the framework. Global Resourcing Assignments move senior leaders to meet urgent needs around the world, while our Short- and Long-Term Global Growth Assignments exist to develop the skills and leadership of promising candidates. Currently in early development stages, our Discovery Assignments will offer up to six months’ immersion in an unfamiliar market, building experience and cultural literacy. Naturally, we also have permanent and temporary transfers between countries and regions. 

“I would take the opportunity to work abroad again and again because it always helps me to grow as a person and appreciate the diversity.”

Dana Leskova, Country Managing Director Mid Size European Countries

A truly global career… 

We are, after all, a global company with a global outlook. For many of our people, this is one of the best things about working for Boehringer Ingelheim; we welcome the breadth of perspective that international experience brings, and we encourage them to acquire it.  

…adding value for everyone 

Whether they choose to bring that experience back to their own country, to stay out there in the world, or to bring what they have learned to our global organization, we recognize and reward the value it adds both to these individuals and to Boehringer Ingelheim as a whole.

“We are learning from our differences to make society a better place for all.”

Valérie Ajzenman, Global Business Manager for Animal Health


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