中風 Stroke

急性缺血性中風為最常見的中風類型;當腦部血管凝塊或出現動脈粥狀栓塞(脂肪沈積或血管壁形成粥狀斑塊),因而阻斷部分大腦的血液供應時,就會發生急性缺血性中風。中風可能導致殘障或死亡,並且需要快速、即時的治療。百靈佳殷格翰針對急性缺血性中風研究並開發出唯一獲得許可的血栓溶解劑(溶血栓藥),並已用於全球各地的急性缺血性中風治療。百靈佳殷格翰支持並成立「天使倡議(angels initiative)」,旨在幫助醫生建立在地急性缺血性中風網絡,並在國際中風協會及當地社區的支持下進行優化。

Acute ischaemic stroke, the most common type of stroke, occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is blocked by either a blood clot in a brain vessel or atherosclerosis (fatty deposits or plaques lining vessel walls). A stroke can lead to disability or even death and always requires quick, acute treatment. Boehringer Ingelheim led the way in stroke care by developing the only licensed blood clot dissolving treatment (thrombolytic) for acute ischaemic stroke therapy, which is now used in stroke centres worldwide. Boehringer Ingelheim also sponsors the angels initiative: a programme that helps doctors to set up and optimise acute stroke networks with the support of local and international stroke societies.