人類處方用藥 合作
Working together in human health

為患者製造新的、更好的藥物是我們工作的核心。與生命科學界同事的合作在我們為患者推進創新方面發揮著至關重要的作用。我們相信,"接軌與串聯"是新知識的關鍵,而知識是創新的催化劑。讓我們共同合作並推動創新,開始新的發現之旅,幫助我們共同實現 first4patients 的雄心壯志達成。

Making new and better medicines for patients is at the heart of what we do. And collaborations with colleagues across the life-science community play a vital role as we connect to advance innovation for patients. We believe that connection is the key to new knowledge and knowledge is the catalyst for innovation. Let’s connect and drive innovation and begin new journeys of discovery to help us achieve our first4patients ambition together.

Working together in human health
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在這裡找到我們所有的聯繫信息,以及您可以在哪裡與我們見面的最新消息。 Find all our contact information here as well as the latest updates on where you can meet us virtually or in person.


我們相信夥伴關係和思想的多樣性是創新的強大驅動力。了解我們如何攜手合作,加速為患者帶來下一個突破。 We believe that partnership and diversity of thought are powerful drivers of innovation. Find out how we can work together to accelerate the delivery of the next breakthrough for patients.