
2168 Result(s)



At Boeheringer Ingelheim, we believe in a diverse working culture. Find out what our people like most about working with us.
Dr. Anna Dieckmann and Dr. Lorenz Maier

Dr. Anna Dieckmann and Dr. Lorenz Maier

Here is the story of Dr. Anna Dieckmann and Dr. Lorenz Maier's successful partnership. For more talent insights, visit our Careers Page.


Anna Mistrioti

Anna Mistrioti

Anna Mistrioti 談到在希臘 Koropi 工廠擔任百靈佳殷格翰品質管制合規專員的工作情形。
Bok Oh

Bok Oh

Candice is moving to Germany

Candice is moving to Germany

Are you considering a career at Boehringer Ingelheim? Find out why Candice loves working here. For more talent insights, visit our Careers Page.
Carolina Valoyes

Carolina Valoyes

Carolina Valoyes 談及她在品質部門的職位,以及她在公司的未來。
Central Data Science

Central Data Science

Together with our business and IT colleagues, we develop data science-driven solutions, all the way from ideation to product.
Simon Manyara

Simon Manyara

Simon Manhara 秉持我們的文化和永續團隊合作的理念而工作,為社會帶來正面影響,並創造永續未來。
Siva Thotapalli

Siva Thotapalli

My career challenge at Boehringer Ingelheim by Siva Thotapalli. Read it now!
Something learnt

Something learnt

We know that to really thrive as a company, we have to help our teams to continue to grow in their careers. Here are some of things they have learnt at work.
Tereza Urbankova

Tereza Urbankova

擔任全球媒體關係部門資深經理的 Tereza Urbankova 說到,團隊有著關係緊密且一直互相支持的感覺。
Thorsten von Goessel

Thorsten von Goessel

在工程和設施部門任職的 Thorsten von Gossel 講到,百靈佳殷格翰是一家有長遠願景和完好領導團隊的家族企業。
Valerie Nock

Valerie Nock

My career challengeFunctional Areas at Boehringer Ingelheim